Looking for a game for 50 year old dad


Supreme [H]ardness
May 7, 2002
Looking for a game, for him he is quite computer helpless.

The one game he was good at and liked was Beachead 2000, super simple to play anyone got any idea if they make anything like this newer or any other games or whatever?

This is for PC btw
depends on your dad..

my dad (65yo) plays BF1942 in single player and Rainbow Six the original..
I can't really think of anything for someone of that age that hasn't been playing games since he was a kid, but maybe strategy games would be up his ally? Something like Red Alert 3? Maybe Civilization 4?
My old man enjoyed HL2 a lot. He went back and played the original afterwards...
sorry, lets redo this when it comes to computers he is retarded and is hopelessly not able to pick up new things, I swear on my fucking cock and balls it took him 6 months how top open IE and get to a website, (back before FF) he is not smart, sad I know but he is not he doesnt have good hand eye coordination required for an FPS, Beachead 2000 is a game you move the mouse and it moves the screen you left click for machine gun and right click for a cannon and thats it, really simple wish he could play games with me but he is not willing to tell himself that he is capable of learning how to play a game or write an e-mail so thats why I am here.

Do they make any games that are extremely violent that a 3 year old could play?

You know AREA51 the arcade game something like that but for PC
sorry, lets redo this when it comes to computers he is retarded and is hopelessly not able to pick up new things, I swear on my fucking cock and balls it took him 6 months how top open IE and get to a website, (back before FF) he is not smart, sad I know but he is not he doesnt have good hand eye coordination required for an FPS, Beachead 2000 is a game you move the mouse and it moves the screen you left click for machine gun and right click for a cannon and thats it, really simple wish he could play games with me but he is not willing to tell himself that he is capable of learning how to play a game or write an e-mail so thats why I am here.

Do they make any games that are extremely violent that a 3 year old could play?

You know AREA51 the arcade game something like that but for PC

If he seriously doesn't know how to double click an icon, there's no way you can get him to play PC games, end of story.
Have you considered casual games (Bejeweled, any of the dozens of Yahoo Games, Big Fish Games, etc)? There are probably at least a few in that mix that he would be able to enjoy.
Dad quote "I like killing shit"

Yeah I know pain in the ass, should just sent him outside with the .45 be more productive then playing video games.
UT 2004
Call of duty 1-4
World in Conflict

if he likes "Killing shit" have him play some Left 4 dead :)
My old man loves playing tiger woods on his pc. You need to get a good year though. Some blow exponentially worse then others. (cuz itz EA)
Alien Shooter Vengeance

I have played the demo and my brother has the full version. Move using the arrow keys, click on anything that moves on the screen to blow it to kingdom come. Leveling system is just a bit complicated (choosing to dump points into speed, health, guns, rockets, flamethrowers, etc) but he may be ok.

It's fun, violent, and simple.
One of the Unreal Tournaments i.e. 2004 or the new III. Set up a Game with Bots and dumb them down.
My dad is 51 and plays WoW. I think his Shaman is ~75 right now? I don't even play it...
If he just likes killing shit get ahold of some horde games. Left 4 dead, Alien Shooter, you know stuff like that.

Hell see if he likes Tornado Jockey. Being a Tornado and destroying shit is fun. I even go back and screw around in it from time to time.
I say if he likes killing shit then get him Painkiller and then PKGOD cheat and let him blast away.
I suggest Peggle, Adventure games (Longest Journey,Dreamfall), and arcade style games. FPS's/RPG's are prolly out of the question. Look to steam and I think you'll find something that works.
Looking for a game, for him he is quite computer helpless.

The one game he was good at and liked was Beachead 2000, super simple to play anyone got any idea if they make anything like this newer or any other games or whatever?

This is for PC btw

for 50 year old dad, Buy him a console and hand him a WII controller.
its gotta be pretty easy for him to like it i'd imagine

Try something like Half Life 2 or the original.

Left 4 Dead would probably be too much for someone so inexperienced.
Does your 50 year old dad want a game?

You know, i can't wait for Wii 2.0 to come out. It's going to be funny hearing about all these 14 year olds telling grandma she needs to upgrade and buy the new wii for the HD grafix
Looking for a game, for him he is quite computer helpless.

The one game he was good at and liked was Beachead 2000, super simple to play anyone got any idea if they make anything like this newer or any other games or whatever?

This is for PC btw

gta with the hot coffee mod
leisure suit larry
My dad used to love to play the Flight Simulator games as well as the Silent Hunter submarine games.

They were more simulations than games, but he dug that part of it. To me it was a game. To him, it was practice. :)
Dad quote "I like killing shit"

Yeah I know pain in the ass, should just sent him outside with the .45 be more productive then playing video games.

LOL - your dad sounds like fun. might as well give him a 12-ga instead, then he'd be really productive ;)

ya, i'd have to suggest some casual games (there are some decent zombie-themed flash games around that i've seen that are similar to the point and shoot you described). Most of the older gamers i know really dig strategy stuff like Civ4.

If you want to break him into some action games, the painkiller and serious sam games are all great for some mindless carnage. most of us are good at fps' because we've been playing them since the days of wolfenstein and doom - just occured to me, it might be a good idea to get him on some older ID games, set him on easy mode, and let him work up to the modern more complex stuff. Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake1-2, etc.
my ol' man (46) as a rule hates computer games...says they're "a load of ol' nonsense" However, recently he got an Acer Aspire One laptop (running linux) it came with a bubble snooker game on it. and he's hooked. The game was only a trial and he's been an paid for the full version!

I've never known him so hooked on anything, especially a computer game.

Here's a link


I'll be honest, i've been known to waste many an hour on it too...
I guess sometimes the simple idea's are often best...
My dad plays UT2004 and will pwn some of you noobs down.:p. Make my day, talk crap when you beat a middle-aged person or senior-citizen. Dad: "don't make me have to call Slayer in". ;)
Dad quote "I like killing shit"

Yeah I know pain in the ass, should just sent him outside with the .45 be more productive then playing video games.

Give him a Browning .50 cal rifle and park some cars in front of him. :D

dbu8554, sry man, 50yrSold+ is getting to a point of slowed reflexes and (FPS) vid-games may start to be difficult to play. At least while playing against young people with fast reflexes, that's why I play on my dad's team in UT. I enforce pwnage.
buy a used ps2 and a copy of katamari damacy 1 & 2.

complicated enough for a 6 year old, but so easy grandma can play it.

no complicated buttons, just 2 sticks and a rolling ball.

pure unadulteradted fun.

why are you still reading this? go to the store now!
Get him the Battlefield collection. It should play on almost any PC. Even a couple year old PC with integrated graphics.
Are you guys posting these comments for the sake of being stupid??

I mean PORTAL, are you kidding me. Some guy who took 6 months to open up IE cannot play that game in a million years. You would have better luck getting a hold of Elvis with two paper cups and string.

As for the OP, all I can say is... if you want some violent games, maybe get some easy fps or 3rd person games and enable god-mode. That looks like the only option you got. Or get a Wii.
The 50-70 year old guys who attend my LAN Party all play first person shooters. We had a birthday cake at one of the events for a regular who was turning 68, I believe he's now 70. He attends with his son who is around 45-50.
Ask your dad if he enjoys sniping a deer from 50 yds away or putting a bullet in a turkey.

If so, get him one of those hunting games. - yes the ones we all despise.
The 50-70 year old guys who attend my LAN Party all play first person shooters. We had a birthday cake at one of the events for a regular who was turning 68, I believe he's now 70. He attends with his son who is around 45-50.

Thats awesome - we're going to be a crazy generation when older - playing our retro SLI computers in the nursing home.
I gave my dad a boxed copy of Bejewled and he got super addicted to playing it.:p It's a very cheap Christmas gift also..
Start him off with easy games with great stories.

Return TO Castle Wolfenstein: Grip it and rip it fun!

Chronicals of Riddick: Easier then hitman i thought, and much darker.

Half Life 2: Straightforward, kick ass fun.

The Longest Journey and DreamFall: Great edventure Stories, may be a little to girly though for a mans man.

Culpa Innata: Again maay be to girly and the quality of the acting made me cringe, but the qulaikty of the story was top notch to me.

Unreal Tournament 3
-I would say UT2K4 but if he played that online hed get his ass hjanded to him on a diamond platter. UT3 is better for newbs because it focuses more heavily on close counter weapons.