Looking for a good 1U rackmount PSU

Jun 11, 2004
Do you have any recommendations? Shopping for 1U stuff is hard since so few reviews compare 1U rackmount components.

It has to fit into a 1U: 100(W)x40(H)x250(D) mm

I'm powering a slightly oc'd core 2 duo on a Asus P5W DH Deluxe, 2 harddrives, and a really crappy pci express video card. So, something in the 400w range (or higher).

nanoschizzle said:
Everyone keeps telling me the opposite: e.g. http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1096959

What do you think is needed? I'd rather error on the high side to be safe.
I'm powering a slightly oc'd core 2 duo on a Asus P5W DH Deluxe, 2 harddrives, and a really crappy pci express video card. So, something in the 400w range (or higher).
I recommend a min of +12V@26A or more for any modern mid-range or higher PC.
davidhammock200 said:
I recommend a min of +12V@26A or more for any modern mid-range or higher PC.
cool, thanks dh. now if i could only find one with the case mounted AC plugin... :D