Looking for a hard drive


Aug 24, 2006
Can someone suggest me a fast, stable hard drive for my upcoming rig? In 2008 when i purchased my signature rig. WD6400AAKS happened to serve all my purpose and still running well
1) It is fast
2) It is stable and
3) It was economical.

But WD6400AAKS is a 5 generations old. For my upcoming rig can someone suggest me the modern version of this WD6400AAKS? Should I go for WD Cavier black 2-4TB?

I can't think of an SSD right now. Maybe within 6 month or so I will buy a 240GB SSD
I would spend $150US and get a 240/ 256 GB SSD like the Samsung 840 or Crucial m500 on sale. And for the hard drive get a 5400 RPM 2TB drive for storage.
I would spend $150US and get a 240/ 256 GB SSD like the Samsung 840 or Crucial m500 on sale. And for the hard drive get a 5400 RPM 2TB drive for storage.

Thanks for the suggestion. I am already spending 1500 bucks for my rig. At this point of time spending more than 100 bucks for an HDD/SSD might be difficult. I don't think I can find an 240GB SSD and an HDD for less than 100
If so, SSD 128GB fits your need? I'm sure it's less then $100.
No offense, but if you're spending $1500 on a computer and *not* buying a SSD, most people would say you're making a big mistake.

I'd cut down on other parts and pony up for the 256gb, some can be had as low as $170. 2TB disks are another $70.
What people don't understand, is the SSD is (imo) the single best upgrade anyone can make for their computer. It's hard to convince people that have never used one, but trust me, buy an SSD. Spend less on the CPU if you have to, the SSD should be at the top of your list (right after the GPU).
What people don't understand, is the SSD is (imo) the single best upgrade anyone can make for their computer. It's hard to convince people that have never used one, but trust me, buy an SSD. Spend less on the CPU if you have to, the SSD should be at the top of your list (right after the GPU).

OK I will go for 128GB SSD. M4 or Sansung 840 Pro sounds best. Does SSDs boost your gaming FPS?
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Get a 128gb SSD and carry over your 6400AAKS for storage. SSD is the biggest/most noticeable computing upgrade since the advent of dual core processors.
Anyone using 128GB SSD with 16GB RAM might be allocating 3X16 = 48GB virtual memory. So allocating 48GB virtual memory in a small 128GB SSD, will it drain the life of SSD . I've read somewhere that SSDs based on DRAM do not have a limited number of writesfast. So does allocating virtual space, will affect its life?
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Why would you allocate 48 GB of virtual memory? I have 16 GB of RAM and disabled the pagefile.
Why would you allocate 48 GB of virtual memory? I have 16 GB of RAM and disabled the pagefile.

I don't know. But one of my friend who is a hardware engineer suggested that one should always allocate virtual memory 3 X your RAM in order to get best performance
I'm afraid he's incorrect. The swap is just for stuff that doesn't fit in memory (simplified, but not far off). With 16 GB of RAM in a desktop computer, you wont hit that limit.
No offense, but if you're spending $1500 on a computer and *not* buying a SSD, most people would say you're making a big mistake.

I'd cut down on other parts and pony up for the 256gb, some can be had as low as $170. 2TB disks are another $70.

Agree! HDD is by far the biggest bottle neck in a desktop/home computer today.

You wont necessarily get a direct boost in FPS, but it will help against freeze frames where the graphics card is waiting for the digital descriptions for what it needs to render. The entire game does not load into RAM when it starts. You will also see much much faster loads when you are moving from zone to zone. Faster boot times. Lots of things that you will be able to see.

I'm afraid he's incorrect. The swap is just for stuff that doesn't fit in memory (simplified, but not far off). With 16 GB of RAM in a desktop computer, you wont hit that limit.

Yes. I can't imagine what a dog of a system you would have running with even 16+ GB of swap in use...
What people don't understand, is the SSD is (imo) the single best upgrade anyone can make for their computer
I've been telling this to people for over 3 yrs and it's shocking to hear a supposedly computer aficionado not plan an SSD for a new build.
Just because the swap file is there doesn't mean it's in use. And that it's "in use" doesn't even mean the machine is swapping.
SSD for boot/os and most frequently used apps, then a WD raptor for everything else (that's what I did) and the difference is noticeable. Or a big enough SSD for everything.