Looking for a large symetric mouse


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 26, 2005
My problem is that I'm a lefty and have very large hands. The current crop of MS/Logitec ultrahighend mice are the size I'm looking for, but right handed only, while the symetric models are either 3 button cheapos, or travel mice that're small enough to be actively painful to use.

the minimum features I'm looking for are:
  • Extra large size.
  • Scroll wheel.
  • forward/back buttons.

I'd also like as many of these as possible.
  • Cordless (mainly so I can easily xfer to my work laptop for home usage)
  • Tilting scroll wheel.
  • Larger forward/back buttons on oposite sides of the mouse rather than a small pair on one side.
  • More, and programable additional buttons.

I generally play turnbased games, so I don't have a need for exceptionally high sensitivity. I assume any mouse highend enough to include the features I want will be above average in performance here, but given two models with other identical features I'll buy the less expensive one.
I don't want a pure lefty only mouse, although am willing to buy one if it's my only option.

I've had tendonitis in the past, and whenever I'm doing really heavy PC usage I try and offload at least some of it to my right hand. There's also the issue with having anyone else use my machine. I can mouse decently with my right hand (marginal for gaming, but perfectly acceptable for web/email type useage), but few righties I know can do the same left handed. Off hand I can only think of two. My brother; he was ~5 when we got our 1st windows PC, and didn't realize he could move it to the otherside of the keyboard. :). And probably one of my sisters friends, I've never seen her do it, but she's trained herself to be fully ambidexterous (artist and wanted job security in the face of an injury). All of mine either reach over the keyboard or rearrange my clutter.
Also, my last logitec mouse died after about 3mo, so I'm rather reluctant to spend more money on them.
non availability is a bit of a killer for me at present. My 'new'(05) logitech mouse died, and my 'old' (01) MS mouse is flakey and randomly disconnecting itself for .5 to 20s intervals. It's steadily getting worse and I want a replacement before I find myself having to either smuggle my work mouse out in my laptop bag, buy a bestcircuit cheapy as an emergency purchase, or do without at home.
Are MS/logitec the only makers of large wireless mice? I know razor mice are supposed to be big but all 3 of thier models are corded and I've got too much of a ratsnest behind my PC as is.
I use my MS Explorer 4.0 ambidexterously without cause for complaint, even if it isn't intended that way. And before anyone says anything, this has nothing to do with porn. :p

In my old living room setup, depending on which couch seat you had, you were using the mouse left or right handed due to cord restrictions. I got pretty used to it (and the 115" screen for web browsing) after awhile, and now sometimes I give my right hand a break and use the mouse left-handed to improve my skill with it, should I ever lose an arm or something awful like that.

It's very odd, switching mousing hands. Just when you think you've got it down, your off hand is never what the primary is. Example: I tried some Diablo 2 PvP the other day left handed, and would've "left" the game without any gold left in my stash had I not switched back and "righted" the situation. :D
I've had issues with even mildly righthanded mice in the past, and the logitech 610-Left is also a pending product. I'm debating between just getting a highend corded mouse, and a $25-30 model now and upgrading my 3button optical at work when I can get a lefty cordless.

The Razor mice look good on the former, but I'm hesitant to buy one without being able to testdrive it and niether of the local CompuBoxMarts carry them.

EDIT: Started reading some newegg reviews and apparently the side buttons can't be programed for forward/back in a browser, scratch that brand.
I ended up geting a logictec MX310. Fits my hand reasonably well, only functional problem is the location of the pinky button. The ridge/gooves on the sides fit my hand well enough but the side buttons are on the ridges not the grooves. The thumb button isn't a problem since my thumb's fat enough to overlap the top edge. the only way I can hit the pinky button is if I place my hand so that the base of the finger is overlapping it as it drops over the side. It works OK, but's not really a natural action.

The logictec driver install was even worse than my last one. Windows was asking for files that belonged to the updated drivers I installed from lgocitecs homepage with my old mouse, not files that were on the driver/software cd. With the mouse not giving basic functionality via plug and play, finding the files on my HD was a pain.