looking for a sub 100.00 video card


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2001
ok my situation. Im broke and my card is failing. i dont game as much as i used to i pretty much stick with my console games. But there is times that I do game.

Ive been looking around @ some cards that were 256MB cards. My friend purchased an ati raedon 9550 and it seems to work well

Ive narrowed it down to these cards

http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-164-014&depa=1 FX5200
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-164-017&depa=1 FX5500
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-131-243&depa=1 ATI9550
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-102-295&depa=1 Ati 9600
http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-145-078&depa=1 5700LE (as suggested)

the ati 9600 which is about as high as im willing to spend. Which is the best card for my money. I notice that some support opengl 1.5 and others 2.0 does this affect me because theres a 9600 for like 83.00 (jetway) but it only has opengl 1.5 vs the saphire with 2.0
Out of those 3, the 9550

But Really I'd suggest (for that pricerange) Id suggest This One

Or you could save up another 100 and get a 6600GT *Im getting an EVGA one soon)
Hate_Bot said:
Out of those 3, the 9550

But Really I'd suggest (for that pricerange) Id suggest This One

Or you could save up another 100 and get a 6600GT *Im getting an EVGA one soon)

I wont benefit from it im still using a gefore 2 GTS w/ 64MB ddr crappy I know
Yeah of all the cards listed, the 5700 le would probably be your best bet. Now honestly If I were in your situation I would try to get a 9700 pro off of ebay. Their much faster and their going for around 100 bucks on ebay these days. But if your afraid of buying a card off of ebay, yeah 5700 le is the way to go.

just_sum_dude said:
Yeah of all the cards listed, the 5700 le would probably be your best bet. Now honestly If I were in your situation I would try to get a 9700 pro off of ebay. Their much faster and their going for around 100 bucks on ebay these days. But if your afraid of buying a card off of ebay, yeah 5700 le is the way to go.


yea but the 9700 pro is only 128 MB not sure if that makes a difference but I think it would
also what about the whole open gl 1.5 vs 2.0

Under $100.

WAY, WAY better than any of the other cards suggested.

And don't get a 256 MB verison of these slow-assed cards. You won't gain a goddamn thing from doing it. By the time these slow-assed cards are using 256 MB of texture memory, they are running too slowly for any games to be playable anyway.

EDIT: That's for new cards. A used 9700 Pro, if you can find one for under $100, would RAPE anything suggested here so far.

Here is a rough guide for you. A FX 5700 LE is maybe better than a FX 5200 Ultra, but not alot. Don't confuse it with a FX 5700, which is much faster than the FX 5700 LE. FX 5600 is faster than the FX 5700 LE too.

CastleBravo said:

Under $100.

WAY, WAY better than any of the other cards suggested.

And don't get a 256 MB verison of these slow-assed cards. You won't gain a goddamn thing from doing it. By the time these slow-assed cards are using 256 MB of texture memory, they are running too slowly for any games to be playable anyway.

EDIT: That's for new cards. A used 9700 Pro, if you can find one for under $100, would RAPE anything suggested here so far.

Here is a rough guide for you. A FX 5700 LE is maybe better than a FX 5200 Ultra, but not alot. Don't confuse it with a FX 5700, which is much faster than the FX 5700 LE. FX 5600 is faster than the FX 5700 LE too.


ok lookgood now if i can find a 9700 pro...heh
Da_Lettuce_Pimp said:
yea but the 9700 pro is only 128 MB not sure if that makes a difference but I think it would
also what about the whole open gl 1.5 vs 2.0

The MB doesnt matter, the 6600GT is only 128 but it wll still beat the pants of of alot of 256mb cards in that pricerange
I'm buying a 6600GT rather soon, PM me if you're interested in buying my FX5200 256mb cheap. It overclocks nicely to 316/384 and takes every game I can throw at it at 1024*768 (minus Chronnicles of Riddick and Paciffic Assault)
Da_Lettuce_Pimp said:
well i got a 9700 pro for 100.00 but it cost me 16.00 for shipping...so that sucks. but I hope its good

That card rocks for the money. Seriously good. :)

To avoid trouble, download Driver Cleaner 3. When you are ready to install the 9700 Pro, run DC3, follow the instructions that come with it for your old card, and then install the latest Catalyst drivers from www.ati.com.