Looking for a SUPER comfy pair of headphones


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 22, 2002
Title says it all. I am willing to sacrifice some quality for comfort (though I'm not adversed to both), I will be wearing these for HOURS on end and need to have something that wont make me want to cut my ears off. Anyone have any specific recommendations?
Sony MDR-V6 with velour pads
Beyer DT770

Really, most decent open headphones will have superior comfort just because there's airflow...but also there's zero isolation.
I will personally recommend the Sennheiser HD515 headphones. I've been using my pair for about a year and a half and haven't had a single problem with them. I often take them with me, and when I'm indoors I give them about 3-4 hours of use a day. Earlier on in their life I used them for 10-15hr at a time without any comfort issues. They're going for about $80 on 'zon, which is a bit more than what I got 'em for ($70 on Tigerdirect) but still worth the price.

On a side note, I'd also like to give a +1 to the AD700s and DT770s based on what I've heard about them. They're slightly more bassy though, as far as I understand.

I can't tell you how many times I fall asleep with my HD280 Pro's on.
Open headphones implicitly have somewhat deficient bass. Producing lower frequencies at sufficient amplitude is much easier in a closed cup. To do as well with open, it has to resonate a significant amount of the surrounding air as well, which just doesn't work well with something that fits on your head.

FWIW some people do a headphone + subwoofer trick that works fairly well. I use it with my electrostatics sometimes, it's fun. More kick with the sub on, although the sub will probably be less precise than what you'll be getting get from good open headphones.
I like my Sennheiser HD 580's for comfort, can easily wear them for 10+ hours at a time with no problems, modern day you'd probably be looking at the HD 600's though (same design, different color, different grilles behind the driver, claimed improvements in sound)
To be honest, the Bose Triports have got to be the most comfortable headphones I have ever put on. The way the earcups enclosed my ears was almost more comfortable than not having any headphones on at all.
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To be honest, the Bose Triports have got to be the most comfortable headphones I have ever put on. The way the earcups enclosed my ears was almost more comfortable than not having any headphones on at all.

I mostly agree with this, however the TriPorts would fatigue my temples after many hours of wear, which is primarily why they were returned, I have no doubt my large head contributed to this (I had them extended to nearly their largest size to fit), so if you've got a big noggin, check'em out at an Apple or Bose store before you pick up a pair

don't the MDR-F1's bleed noise like a sieve?
I can't tell you how many times I fall asleep with my HD280 Pro's on.

Man, my that'd be like trying to fall asleep with my head in a vise clamp. My 280's are somewhat painful after a few hours.
My Beyerdynamic DT770's are really comfortable. The ear cups are lined in valour so they are really smooth.
+2 for the ATH-AD700

+3 for the ATH-A[D]700.

I personally own the ATH-A700, the closed cans, but otherwise same setup. The 'wings' that adjust to your head are amazing and I can easily wear them all day without a problem.
Sennheisers HD5XX/HD6XX

Most seem to agree (that have used multiple brands/models) that they are the most comfortable.
You might want to give a shot to the Denon D-2000.

You also really need to give us a Budget . You can get comfy headphones in all price range.
+3 for the ATH-A[D]700.

I personally own the ATH-A700, the closed cans, but otherwise same setup. The 'wings' that adjust to your head are amazing and I can easily wear them all day without a problem.

+4 for ATH A(D)700. I own the AD700, closed, and it is extremely comfortable. I game/listen to music/movies for HOURS with no problems. Excellent SQ and very reasonable price. Check out head-fi.org, lots of good reviews and info there regarding headphones.
my icemats are very comfy. not the greatest sound but they are amazingly comfy
Sennheisers HD5XX/HD6XX

Most seem to agree (that have used multiple brands/models) that they are the most comfortable.

my 580s have almost perfect comfort, but they clamped onto my head like a vice until they broke in.
The Denon D1000/10001 easily get that crown for me. Light, no clampiness, can wear it for hours and you won't notice you're wearing them. I don't think they sound good at all, but the Sony XD-#00 series were almost as comfortable.
I have own both Ad700 and A700

I loved both I love the A700 have now
sound great wether there plug into my pc or onkyo 705
The ATH-AD700 is certainly comfortable but only if:
1) you have a large-ish head otherwise it feels like it's going to fall off
2) you don't give a damn about your hair cause the headband is split into two parts and you'll end up with two indentations on the top of your head which doesn't look cool at all.

I liked em for the most part but ended up returning them for the above reasons. I have a Beyerdynamic DT880/600 on the way which is also an extremely comfortable headphone from what I've read but with a smaller profile.
FWIW I don't think my DT770s are comfortable. I upgraded to HD650s because of the slightly excessive bass and lack of comfort. Maybe I just have big ears, but the clamping from the round ear pads got annoying. The HD650s are more ovular and go around my ears.
I've heard Shure SRH840's are pretty comfy from the reviews. I get mine early next week!
I like my Sennheiser HD 580's for comfort, can easily wear them for 10+ hours at a time with no problems, modern day you'd probably be looking at the HD 600's though (same design, different color, different grilles behind the driver, claimed improvements in sound)

same here with my HD 590's i love them!
I've heard Shure SRH840's are pretty comfy from the reviews. I get mine early next week!

I have the 440's, which are pretty similar. I would say there is some clamp-iness and the pads warm up a bit. The 840's have softer pads so that should alleviate some of those issues. I wouldn't call them comfortable by any means, but at least they aren't uncomfortable.

By the way, for those on a budget, I also recommend the frequently overlooked Koss UR40's. Very lightweight, no clamp or heat buildup. Good sound for the price.
As a ATH-AD700 owner I can attest to their comfort. I can and have worn them for hours upon hours. Sometimes I notice myself having them on even though I'm not listening to anything, it's just a muscle reflex to have them on when using the computer. I do find that they can sometimes mess up your hair by leaving an imprint of the wings after really long use. I don't think you can find more comfortable headphones, and if you can I would like to hear about them. If only they didn't leave an imprint on your hair after really long use, they would be perfect. Although I would imagine that any headphone that doesn't use a similar design where some of the weight is displaced on the top of your head would place a lot more strain around the ears.
Open or closed, you want circumaural headphones (fit around your ear rather than pressing against your ear). They present very little pressure to your head to due increased surface area and fitting circularly around the side of your head is a lot more comfortable than being on your ears, which are springy and being pressed against will cause discomfort over time because they are pushing back against cans.