Looking for a thin, wireless mini keyboard for portability


Apr 8, 2002
I'm looking for something to carry around with my laptop so I can use external displays without being crammed up against my laptop.

Something like the HP Wireless elite without a keypad would be perfect. I really like the construction and slim profile, but it's too long to fit into a laptop bag.


If anyone know of something like this that has a tiny receiver like the Logitech unifying receivers I'd probably buy it on the spot.
I'm really not a fan of the diNova clamshell style, I'd just prefer a regular pc style QWERTY keyboard that's a bit smaller than normal, thinm and doesn't have the keypad.
The Microsoft Arc keyboard comes to mind. Apple's current wireless keyboard also meets your requirements, although it uses Bluetooth, not RF.
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Rocketfish Bluetooth dongle + apple wireless keyboard works for my girlfriend. Though, I'm sure you could find other keyboards for a more reasonable price than the apple.