Looking for a very good Server that I can rely on for my new Business


Apr 17, 2005
Im going to be starting up a company that does importing and exporting of various stuff. I just recently got my approval to do so with several countries including dubai but required the governments approval before I can do so. I'll be importing and exporting hazardous material. We need a system that will integrate our networks so that we are as one. Where our orders can be seen around the world by logging into the network from any place at any time. We also need to have real time access to updating our inventory so that if we are out on a specific item then we can do so immediately from anywhere. I need something that can stay on 24/7 and wont heat up and crash (aside from the possible viruses that may occur). Basically it will be running all the time and has to be stable and reliable. At the same time though nothing that will bog down. I'd like a server computer. Nothing to crazy as for now we are starting off small but in 14-16 months from now we expect to have over 50+ employees if things go better than we expect. If not then its likely the number goes up to 3/4 of that number.