Looking for a very lightweight case


Limp Gawd
Sep 22, 2007
I'm moving overseas and want to bring my computer. I looked into laptops and was going to get the X220, but I won't be able to get it in time.

Therefore, I'm going to bring the computer listed in my signature. The case is heavy steel. Even though it's tiny, it adds a good amount of weight.

I want something really lightweight and not too big so that I can put it in a suitcase and I can put other things in there as well. I already am planning on 3 bags (third one costs $180 extra), so I don't want to bring four just for this computer.

Any recommendations? Aluminum, acrylic or plastic? I need space for ITX mobo, 1 optical, 1-2 HDDs and a PCIe video card.
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You can always put your system components in the suitcase(s), carefully wrapped, then buy a case when you arrive at your destination. It will take up less space, weight less and you won't have such a limited choice of cases.

This is of course assuming there are some decent stores where you're moving to...
You can always put your system components in the suitcase(s), carefully wrapped, then buy a case when you arrive at your destination. It will take up less space, weight less and you won't have such a limited choice of cases.

This is of course assuming there are some decent stores where you're moving to...

This is a great idea. Thanks for the tips.

@ mannyman - How is a handle going to help me when I'm flying?
This is a great idea. Thanks for the tips.

@ mannyman - How is a handle going to help me when I'm flying?

How is getting a new case going to help when you are flying, Your current computer cant weigh more than 15 pounds.
Get one of those cheap rosewill cases. My friend got one, the sheet metal is so thin they probably weigh only a pound. :p Although the weight of towel may collapse the case :p
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