Looking for a way to SCORE...


Feb 1, 2003
...an aluminum case :). actually guys, i'm gonna be doing some intricate work with my case (small cutouts) is it possible to score out the cuts using a small blade or something? the cuts will be small and straight but i don't think i can be steady enough for a dremel to go between the cuts. i used the term "score" because with acrylic you can basically draw lines in it til it splits, wondering if there's a technique out there for this. if anyone gets confused, i'll try to explain what i want to do more. thanks guys.

it's more than just engraving though, i actually want to cut these pieces out, is it possible to take like a razor blade to the case? haha, man that feels wrong.

Well, an ordinary razor blade wouldn't exactly do too much, but I suppose if you bought a cheap utility/carpet knife, and a bunch of extra blades, you probably could cut through it. It'd take a while, but you dont' seem to be too concerned about quickness.
Use a small chisel, go along and make small cuts into the metal along the lines your wanting to cut, once it makes enough "cuts" the metal will break free, then you just need to file the lines down a bit to smooth em.
hm, yeah good idea about those utility knives + file. any more ideas, ya'll are doing great :) and python's right, i'm not concerned about the time.

i agree with using a small metal chisel and file, unless you have a scroll saw
that dremel accessory i posted does more than engraving, u can attach a metal cutting disc to it and go to work...

why go though all the trouble and pains of cutting w/a razor or something
accuracy i suppose, i mean i'll be doing cuts not 1/4" from each other. if i had a super steady confident hand.. maybe.. but razoring just a couple minutes everyday i can do :)