Looking for an Nforce SLI 1600FSB mobo


Apr 29, 2008
I'm going for the Q9450 which is a 1333 chip @ 2.66Ghz but can clock to 3.2Ghz with some DDR2 PC-6400, but this requires a 1600FSB capable motherboard.

I also eventually want SLI so that rules out intel boards, so I'm thinking Nforce7

One other requirement is that with fitted SLI GTX 280 (double slot cards) I still need to have access to a 1x PCI-e slot for my soundcard.

I can't see any 1600 guranteed Asus boards and they're my first port of call, any other recomendations?
Thanks, looks good. How common is 1600 FSB overclock on a 1333 rated motherboard then? I think getting one thats rated for 1600 is going to push the price somewhat, I'd rather just get a 1333 well known for overclock to that speed.

I cant find that particular model for sale in the UK yet.
Looks like theres only a handful of Nvidia chipset based motherboads that do 1600mhz fsb, which is a bit lame!

Looks like either a single card for me or xfire, lame.
Looks like theres only a handful of Nvidia chipset based motherboads that do 1600mhz fsb, which is a bit lame!

Looks like either a single card for me or xfire, lame.

While many may not have *official* 1600 FSB support there are quite a few that can easily do 1600 FSB, like the EVGA 750i FTW :p
Try the XFX nVidia 790i Ultra. It has a 1600 FSB but willonly take DDR3 memory. It will take DDR3 memory from 1333 up to SLI memory 2000 w/EPP. The board has 3-way SLI. I have been running this board for about 5 weeksnow with the Intel Q9450 and 4 GB of Crucial 1333 memory. Had lockups with the XFX 8800GS video card for a while but solved that problem with memory voltage correction. I am only running 1 video card for now because I don't usually overclock or play games. Boaard and processor are fast as is. But cost is high. I got it from Tiger Direct for $319 after $30 rebate. You can get DDR3 1333, 1600, and 2000 SLI W/EPP. I got the 4 gb for $178 after rebate