Looking for Good HTPC Case


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2005
I'm looking around trying to find a good HTPC Case. Right now I'm looking at the LC20 from Silverstone.


Basically, I want something that looks good, is smaller than 17.5" high, 7" wide, and 17" deep. I really want something with good cooling since a dual processor system is going to be inside of it (2.4GHz Xeons Socket 603. They're fairly old but get the job done). An IR would be a plus too, but not necessary. I just don't know where to begin other than the LC20. Money isn't too big of an issue, but I'd like to keep it under 250.

Thanks for any suggestions
The LC20 is one of only a handful of cases that will accept anything near an E ATX mobo which is a possibility with your CPU choice.
I thought about stuffing a dual socket xeon system in an LC20, but I'm not convinced that the 5 1/4 drive cage won't get in the way of the coolers. From the pics, it looks like it would hang over the board, but I've never seen one in person.
I really like what Thermaltake has been doing with their HTPC cases. I just upgraded from one of the original Silverstone cases to the TT DH101 and really like it. The price is pretty high but the quality is exceptional.

I really like what Thermaltake has been doing with their HTPC cases. I just upgraded from one of the original Silverstone cases to the TT DH101 and really like it. The price is pretty high but the quality is exceptional.


Oh man, such a terrible case. It's their old chassis (the kind of chassis that nearly the whole HTPC case market has moved away from because of it's very outdated and airflow starved) with a pretty face slapped on top of it. Only an idiot builds an HTPC case with 60mm fans now a days. :rolleyes:
I just want a HTPC case with 120 mm fans. It doesn't have to be too big to fit them.
I just want a HTPC case with 120 mm fans. It doesn't have to be too big to fit them.

check out the Antec NSK2480 or if you want, the Antec Fusion to add a knob and vfd display.
I have a Silverstone LC20. I can agree a little with some of the criticisms I've read about it even though I'm not sure I would have chosen a different model. Here are some of my thoughts:
I believe you're better off with a modular power supply like some of the Corsair. I ordered the 520 watt one to replace my Fortron Blue Storm II 500 watt because I think the numerous cables I can't detach is preventing me from adding another hard drive.

Second, I did install a Scythe Mini Ninja and had to use a pair of tin snips to break off part of the retention clip on one side to make sure I could fit a fan right next to it. I installed a fan controller to make sure I have adequate speeds when the room temperature is warm.

Third, I used a Thermaltake V2 on my Geforce 6600 but I still put a fan on it.

I also ordered Scythe Kama Flex 80mm 1500rpm fans so it will be quieter. And I used y-splitters on the fan controller I bought at case-mod.com (they have low cost shipping for small orders). Also, even though I used a fan controller that's discontinued, I read the plain-vanilla Sunbeam Rheobus is a good, cheap fan controller.

Well, that's my 2 cents anyway. I think it's time-consuming to work with the case but to me it's worth it. I couldn't even imagine working with a smaller, tighter case.

It's pretty sturdy, heavy and looks expensive. But I don't doubt there are better models on the market. This one however can take a regular sized power supply AND 80mm fans.