Looking for Guild Wars 'learning site'


Mar 9, 2006
i'm sick and tired of WoW.

i know WoW and GW are two different things. I've owned guild wars since close to when it came out, but never spent more than an hour or two with it. At the time, i was deep in the throes of Azeroth et al, and found GW just didn't do it for me. it seemed like nobody actually did anything but stand around in town and /dance. i swear, if you could make an MMO where all there was was a single /dance button at the bottom of the screen, i bet it'd still make money.

i'm sure once i reinstall it and log in i'll find the exact same thing, but i'm willing to at least give it a few days... it was very different than WoW, and i think i'm ready for that. does anyone have a good 'guide site' that i can browse over during work, then get home and at least have an understanding of the basics?

there are like 8 zillion skills to learn, but you can have 8 active at a time... that's about as deep as my knowledge goes.

thanks in advance, and maybe i'll see some of you on there.
town with a shield on your maps are mission you need to do , some are pretty easy . In every main cities there is an arena for certain level.

mmm , also another good way to learn , is to be part of a guild .
Is Guild wars always going to be free?

I heard they were doing it free for just the first year.
I was going to go out and pick up a copy, but I won't if they're going to charge monthly fees.
I have been playing guild wars off and on for a little over a year now. One of the real keys to enjoying the game is joining a good guild (see title of the game). If you get into a nice helpful guild those first couple days of learning are a lot easier. Also Rofl-Mic-Lofl listed probably the best two sites for information.
Guild Wars is not an MMORPG. Even ArenaNet agrees ...

Its all instanced, and the only time you see other players are in towns, once you leave you're in your own instance of that world and you will never randomly see players there. It works just like Diablo 2 and Battle.net, accept chat rooms = towns in Guild Wars.

They can get away with not charging because they do not need to, since server support is nowhere near say any other real MMO.