Looking for high quality headphones

Jul 3, 2006
Hey guys, it has been a while since I have posted so forgive me if this was posted recently, I through some of the recent articles and didn't find it so hopefully this isn't a repeat question.

I do digital mixing using ProTools M series and the M-Audio FireWire Solo. I use Klipsch Pro-Media 2.1 Speakers usually when mixing to listen to what I'm doing, however, next month I am moving into a new apartment and they have a rather strict noise policy. I am going to need some headphones to do most of my work from now on since I work mostly at night, but I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to headphones. I need something that will match or come close to the quality of the ProMedia's but I would prefer not to spend much over $100 if possible. Please let me know ASAP so I can get moving on this and figure out if they are right or not before I move so I can keep working. Thanks guys I really appreciate the help!

Also, as a side note, I'm looking to expand my sound system array and was wondering where a good place to do some research is, or if you guys have any suggestions. I occasionally browse the "Show off your system" forum here to get ideas, but some place where I can get a good comparison of the abilities of different hardware would be great. Oh, and I'm working on a mac mini so only mac hardware and probably only externally attached (Firewire) peripherals can be used (I also have and use a PC occasionally but my protools is for the mac). Thanks again guys!
I recommend the DT700 Pro's. Just make sure you have a good amp to cover it, as well as give it a bit of time to break in. :)

Oh.. He is not kidding. I've been registered with head-fi.org for 5 weeks now, and already spent $750 bucks, as well as a pending $600 DAC, and another 450 for some Darth Beyers.

Again, it's no lie. I say "sorry" to my wallet quite frequently since joining there. :D
Thank you spaceman...yes I think I shall be appologizing to my wallet, but this summer I will have fun, I should have about 2k to blow on my new setup by mid summer :D
2k? Good. You're gonna need it. :p

The problem with mixing audio with headphones is that all your mixes are going to sound like they were mixed on...well, headphones. Can you agree with me that headphones (especially cheap headphones) sound very different than and in some ways sub-par to typical loudspeakers? Buying cheap headphones is only going to compound the problem as your mixes are only going to sound as good as you make them sound on your cheap equipment. Plus, pairing Pro Tools with cheap headphones is like putting low-octane gasoline into a Ferarri--you're simply not going to get the performance that your gear is meant to provide.

I really think that you should rethink this decision and would be much more prudent to find a way to use speakers (preferrably studio monitors) to mix with rather than headphones.
Well, looking at that site I have expanded my budget to $200 for the headphones and I am going to get a good amp for them so that should help a good bit. As for the sound quality, I am going to try to find something that has nearest the quality of my speaker system as I possibly can. However, what I will probably end up doing is mixing with my speakers like I usually do during the day / when people won't complain about to much noise. Then, if I decide to do a little work at night or when people might complain about the sound then I will just put the headphones on with the amp and then just make sure it still sounds good when I use my speakers. Thanks for mentioning that though, I completely see you point, I have a pair of logitech ($15) headphone/microphone gaming headphones that I used to use when I went to LAN parties in high school and they sound NOTHING like my Klipsch ProMedias.

also, is there a good source for regular sound equipment for my computer? I'm looking for things like amplifiers and other things of the like.
Remember that it's not even just the quality of the sound that the headphones produce, but the fact that they just don't sound like speakers do. Headphones will never be able to reproduce the room acoustics and other nuances that you get with speakers.

Glad to see you've seen the light. ;)
Get a HD600 and a cheap DAC.

There's a HD600 going for $175 on headfi right now.
Remember that it's not even just the quality of the sound that the headphones produce, but the fact that they just don't sound like speakers do. Headphones will never be able to reproduce the room acoustics and other nuances that you get with speakers.

Glad to see you've seen the light. ;)

You've never heard Open Darth Beyers. Closest to speaker soundstage but there's only 4 O-V3s in the world so yeah. Anyway, good luck.
Ok, well thank you everyone for your suggestions. I am considering the Sennheiser HD280's or the Phillips HP910's because they are both rated rather well and they keep under my original budget and from reading the reviews I don't think I will notice the small nuances that they mentioned because I'm not THAT picky about my audio, as long as I can clearly hear all the tones and get a good boom from the lows then I'm generally happy. As for an amp I have no idea where to even start...but I know I will want one so I can make some adjustments like the reviewers of those sets said.


I'm also looking for reviews of the HD 437s by Sennheiser also if anyone has owned them.
Sennheiser HD280pro are supposedly good but don't know anything about the Philips.
HD280 build is uncomfortable as hell and the seal isn't great, especially if you wear glasses. Its headband is also a piece of junk. That said, it does sound good for the money.
Well, he asked for high quality so I still say spend the extra now and get HD595 instead of buying lower quality now and then buying better later because you are unhappy with what you got. It will cost you less in the long run that way.
Well, he asked for high quality so I still say spend the extra now and get HD595 instead of buying lower quality now and then buying better later because you are unhappy with what you got. It will cost you less in the long run that way.

exactly..and dont go and register at head-fi... you'll spend even more
Been using my 595's for about a year now and i don't regret the purchase. Very comfortable and not too bad a price atm for what you get. Very good sound at least for me.
HD280 build is uncomfortable as hell and the seal isn't great, especially if you wear glasses. Its headband is also a piece of junk. That said, it does sound good for the money.

My HD280 head band lasted a lot longer than I had heard it would. Finally cracked last month after a year of daily use and frequent traveling, but it still holds on to my head just fine.

For $80 they definitely sound great. And they fit my head perfectly...seal, comfort.
I second the hd 280. Idk what everyone is talking about uncomfortable, even with glasses.
I second the hd 280. Idk what everyone is talking about uncomfortable, even with glasses.

I meant it was uncomfortable in general compared to the headphones I own in my sig. I also mentioned that the seal wasn't very good with glasses on...ie, it leaks a little and changes the sound, likely due to the fact that the glasses don't mesh into the cups. That said, I don't actually own a pair, but my friend does, and I've used them for testing, so it might be a lot better once you're used to it.
I find all headphones uncomfortable unless they are circumaural. Both 280 and 595 are circumaural so either should be fine for comfort.

I'm also looking for reviews of the HD 437s by Sennheiser also if anyone has owned them.

I have a set of those and liked them,but the wires eventually died on me,and they cant take allot of abuse.Mind you I abused em something firece !! :D Getting Senn to own up and replace them,was not easy,I had to chase them down,and send tons of emails B4 someone would take ownership of the problem,and RMA me another set.

Senn make nice sounding cans,but,thier CS is sub par.... :rolleyes:
I've got a pair of HD280Pros, Shure E4c, tested out the HD600 for a week, and tried out 6-7 Beyers at the store. The HD280 sounds okay out of the box, but it's a closed design so I wouldn't exactly consider mixing/recording with it. You'll want an open design headphone, they sound more "airy" is, I guess, one way to put it, and would be closer to sounding like speakers.

I do find the sound reduction to be great on the 280 though, I guess they seal around my melon just right. ;) I used to take them on trips for planes, trains, and automobiles since they blocked out sound so well, but then I got the Shures and now I just take the 280 to work when I don't want any sounds to bother me and to listen to music.

The bass response is pretty good, tends to roll off pretty quick below around 40-45Hz though. The highs aren't entirely crisp either without tweaking the EQ. With a good EQ, amp and some time taken to set everything up properly, it sounds decent.

The 600's are far superior but cost a chunk more. The Beyers are amazing also, definitely should run an amp with any set of cans that have high impedance.

www.bhphoto.com has a very large assortment of equipment for everything audio/video related.
I have a set of those and liked them,but the wires eventually died on me,and they cant take allot of abuse.Mind you I abused em something firece !! :D Getting Senn to own up and replace them,was not easy,I had to chase them down,and send tons of emails B4 someone would take ownership of the problem,and RMA me another set.

Senn make nice sounding cans,but,thier CS is sub par.... :rolleyes:

Thank you for the reply to that. I found the EXTREMELY cheaply by going to froogle.com and searching sennheiser. I need to get new headphones now, and I can't wait till I can afford the 280's so I'm going to just get the 437s. I just need something now because the ones I had just blew out about 2 hours ago... :mad: . Anyway, thanks guys for all the replys, I will return I'm sure with more on audio when I move into the apartment and start setting up a new system in there.