Looking for keyboard similar to those found in Dell's computers

Aug 1, 2008
Right now I've got a Microsoft Sidewinder x6 and it has a lot of functions, but I don't like the feel/ response of the keys on the keyboard. I used to have a Dell media keyboard but I gave it to my mom when I bought my new i7 rig. How is the Logitech G15 in comparision, or are there any other non gaming keyboards that may be better?
Did you bump the thread after one minute? lol

Anyhoo, I had a G15 and went to a X6 keyboard and i feel exactly the same way about the feedback from the keys. the G15 was definitely the superior keyboard out of both of them.

I had the rev1 though, flip up LCD it would be a good "upgrade" and to be honest. I rather spend the 20bucks and get a dell media kb. I use them at work and freaking love it.
It's good to hear that the G15 is better than the x6, but I don't know if I can justify paying over $70 for another keyboard like you said. I might just go buy a dell keyboard again. I'm open to any more suggestions.
As blasphemous as it sounds, eBay is probably your best bet for a Dell media keyboard.

You should be able to find the particular model number for the keyboard that you're looking for, which should help make finding it (at a good price) a breeze.
The Saitek Eclipse I have sort of feels like the Dell keyboards I type on at work. It's a little less resistant though but they key surface is similar.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I ultimately went with the G15. I really feel like I now need own a keyboard that has illuminated keys after owning this x6. I would have gone with a Saitek but I got a decent deal on the G15.

@tiraides - I bought my first Dell keyboard from eBay actually so I know what you are saying. It is the best place to buy them at a fair price.