Looking for mid-sized headphones


Dec 13, 2005
I'm looking for suggestions for some "medium" sized headphones. My "full" sized headphones are Beyerdynamic DT770s; I've used them for the past 3 years and love them. As far as earbuds go, I have some Bose in-ear headphones (got for free) that I kinda like.

I've seen pictures of some Grados sets, but have neither tried them nor researched them too much. However, I've seen pictures that that is the size of headphone I'm looking for.

I don't have a clear idea about prices, so I'll say my budget is at about $200. I mentioned Grados - do you recommend them? How about other brands/models? I plan to use these headphones primarily in conjunction with my iPod Classic.

Some people find Grados very uncomfortable, so if possible, I suggest you give them a try first before purchasing a pair. For me, I can't stand wearing the bowl pads for longer than one hour or my ears will start to get sore. Also, Grado cables are thick and long, if you use them with your ipod the cable will get in your way.

Grados headphones can sound bright, with good mid range but lacking in bass. Their soundstage is also quite small. You can get more bass with them if you use flat pads, but then you will get even less soundstage and mid range won't sound as sweet. Some people reverse the bowl pads on their Grados, but this would make them very uncomfortable.

I have used Grados for two years until I decided to donate them to my brother last year. They were great headphones, I used them for everything (gaming, music, movies, digital piano) and they are actually very comfortable if you stretch the headband a bit and use flat pads (more comfortable than my Stax). Grados that are below the GS1000 don't need an amp to sound good, so you can easily drive them with your ipod.