Looking for one thing..

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May 23, 2005
I have a friend.. and he's had a rough year.. alot of personal issues.. and I have tried to help him.. but his health and other things have kept him unemployed.. his mom has medical issues and tries to work.. but really can't.. and his medical issues are not improving.. he is going to try to get gastric bypass done.. he is well over 400lbs.. and it is really not a good thing.. he is a great guy.. and a great friend.. I try to talk to him every day via googletalk.. ( he is in Phx.. I am in Lubbock Tx)

so here's my request..

Does anyone.. anyone have a MP3 player they can donate.. any size.. any brand.. all I need is the MP3 player.. cables.. and software.. he really wants a Shuffle.. and I would send him one.. but my financial situation isn't so hot.. hell I wouldn't have Internet if it wasn't required for work and the boss paid for it..

If it helps.. I will pay the shipping.. I have a little money.. ok.. very little money stashed away.. and can send you a MO for the shipping..

Just want to do something for him.. he has had a rough year/life.. and just this small thing would mean so much..

PM me.. and I will get back to you.. or AIM.. or MSN.. all that good stuff.. I have heatware.. very little. but some.. and ebay..

Thanks [H]ard forums.. you guys rock..
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