Looking for PSU advise


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2004
I am looking to buy a good PSU. Really looking for a stable source of clean power for my system. I really don't care about noise, LED fans, cost or bling. Just the best PSU for the dollar. Any and All input is welcome!

Here is my system:

AMD64 3000+ Oc'd to 2.5ghz
1GB DDR400 OCZ memory
MSI K8N Neo Plat MB
2x Maxtor 160GB SATA150 HDD Raid 0
SB live Audigy2 ZS Plat.
*Currently on order: GF 6800 ultra*
NEC DVD Burner
Liteon DVD Rom

Crystalfontz CFA634-TMC-KU
3x Tornado 80mm fans
1x 120mm Case fan (84cfm)
Vantec Fan controller
Danger Den Water cooling (DangerDen 12v pump)

(Well I have the X800 XT on order, but I am thinking of switching to a GF 6800 Ultra to get it here sooner, so I will assume the worst, and assume I need to provide power for the GF6800)
Cost not an object? Then the PC Power and Cooling 510 Deluxe, for $200, is simply the best
no cost is not really an object.. Thx for you advise I'll check it out.

What about the Vantec True480? Is it any good? Anyone have any experence with it?

Are you refering to the *A*ntec True 480? If so, that is what I run in my main gaming box, and it works like a charm.
i 2nd the PCP&C suggestion. my Turbo-Cool 510 Deluxe is simply outstanding.

i'll also suggest Fortron/Sparkle. the 530w unit is very solid and can be had for $70.

Antec also makes good PSUs, but if you really start pushing that OC, you may find the rails dropping below acceptable levels(not below the 3% regulation, mind you).
3rd PCP&C

you just cant get fatter amps per rail, tighter regulation, total watts, better transient response and lower ripple and noise


felix88 said:
make sure to opt for the "AG" version, i believe that is the most "future proof" one..

Ehhh? see sig

Thats a standard EPS12V SSI compliant with the extra 6 pin connector for AGP Pro

so thats a 24 pin main connector (2x12)
and an 8 pin 12V connector (2x4) per the EPS12V Spec
the 6 pin (2x3) for the AGP Pro connector on the mobo which very few mobos even have
(I think 2 are listed at PCP&C the Tyan K8W & the Tyan Thunder i7505 )

and if the board he wants to power is ATX12V compatible
he'll likely need
a 24 pin main (2x12)
4 pin aux (2x2) 12V not the EPS12V 8 pin aux

unless he is trying to power an older ATX spec in which case
it could well be a (2x10) 20 pin main
with possibly a (2x2) 4 pin 12V aux
or even just a standard 4 pin molex inline (1x4) on some boards

if you do opt for a PCP&C check out the custom options ;)
You can use the 8-pin +12v connector in a 4-pin slot. But,i'd have them cut off the AGP Pro connector and the 6-pin AUX
Ive done that and more than once too, :p
just last week I read how the AMD64 didnt have dual channel on die controller,
unlike the rest of the K8s and AMD64FX, only that wasnt what it actually said :rolleyes:

right now future proofing is relatively easy in servers and workstations,
get a big nasty EPS12V

on the ATX front its more problematic but seems to be sorting out to the next spec finally, (ATX12V v2.0)
and PCI Express is likely to drive it, with that and the CPU and Graphics all sucking up +12V, they have added another +12V rail to the PSUs and I have even seen one with 4 seperate +12V rails
Everyone seems to recommend PCP&C, however if your looking for something a little bit cheaper I would recommend the Antec TruePower series. I have the 480 Blue in my case, and my brother has a 430 True, both of them have performed excellently, so for the price I recommend them.
Clear said:
Everyone seems to recommend PCP&C, however if your looking for something a little bit cheaper I would recommend the Antec TruePower series. I have the 480 Blue in my case, and my brother has a 430 True, both of them have performed excellently, so for the price I recommend them.
Yeah, I run a Tru480 and love it.
I just bought a Fortron 530. Everything runs stable, but Asus PC Probe says the 12V is running at 12.3 - 12.4v. I've seen places saying that up to 12.4 is ok, but I'm wondering if anyone else has the same PSU and if their 12 volt lines are running hot? Also, what is the voltage limit for a 12V rail before something could get fried? My PSU in my server is running at 12.8v :eek: but it has been running stable that way for 6months.
most likely your hardware monitor isn't reading correctly.

if you want to double check, pick up a DMM and measure them. you can get a cheap DMM at Radio Shack.
Vertigo Acid said:
Yeah, I run a Tru480 and love it.

PCP&C is in a whole different class from the Antec IMHO. I have a Tru550... it isn't half the PSU that my PCP&C 475W is.

YMMV of course. You pay a lot for PCP&C, but most of the time, it will be the last PSU you'll ever buy. I've seen many Antecs go within a year or so. However, Antecs are cheaper and easier to get.

My Tru550 is powering a fairly hefty Dual Xeon 3.2Ghz box.... but I'm very tempted to replace it with a PCP&C 510 even if it does cost me >$200.
chock up another one for the PCP&C 510 Deluxe.. best damn PSU, period...

It's plenty future proof, since BTX is not going to be in full force for awhile, so no worries there.. the new Intel Chipsets still accept the ATX 20 pin connector, and the 6 pin PCI-E connector for vid cards can be had with an adapter..

sure it'd be nice to have these connectors already, but it's a small inconvenience for the quality that you get from this PSU.. nothing comes close... All my rails stay the same under load, and if they do flucate it's always less than the 1% they advertise.... they don't call it the beautiful beast for nothing...
actually Id recommend the 24 pin connector and a 24 to 20 adapter for now ;)
if there isnt room or physical fit available to just connect it directly with the extra four hanging off