Looking for something similar to Journlr but for Windows

Jul 3, 2006
I just got a laptop to help myself stay organized through college and saw an article on Digg linked to 7 apps to help you take notes and stay organized. Well in that list, which is here for those interested, it lists some good suggestions for apps used to take notes, but the only one that seemed to actually be capable of organizational tasks looked like Journlr, but it is for OS X and I am on Windows XP MCE. Does anyone know of a program similar to Journlr for Windows? I would really appreciate it.

Right now I am manually organizing my class notes and what not and typing them using OpenOffice 2.1. However, I would like something that I can just open up, select what I am doing and go. With openoffice I have to open it up, put my heading on, save it, and tell it that I want to do it in outline form...sort of cumbersome if I am trying to start quickly.

Thank You!
Could always try OneNote
Then there's GoBinder

There are a few others but these are the only one's I've tried so far. Both support inking on a tablet as well as typing for input. I prefer OneNote but YMMV
Ok I tried TreePad and that is not what I was looking for sorry. That is a nice program if that is what you need but I need something that allows me to not only take notes in it and organize those but import notes I have already written or other files like Excel documents I have made ect. ect.

I will try the other two suggestions, thank you!
Ok from what I could see, OneNote and GoBinder are pay programs...unfortunately I want something that is free because I am cheap like that. I also noted that OneNote is made by Microsoft and works with Office 2007 very well according to them...so that sparked some interest but I could not find a download link anywhere on the page...can someone point one to me if I'm just not seeing it and it does exist?