Looking for Wireless Gaming/Music Headsets


Dec 18, 2006
OK, my old and trusted Sony headphones are giving up on me after a few years and is time to get new ones... here what I need and also what I use them for.

Wireless or Bluetooth

No Mic

Rechargeable Battery

No earphones and No Cover the ears headphones... I prefer the small over the ears (see image below)


Budget between 50 to 75 max

I play Solo Campaigns only so the Mic is rather an annoying part for me, I use the onboard audio so I am not looking for Top of the Line headsets but I do like and appreciate good sound... I listen to music from time to time as well.

It is really a shame that my BT headsets are no longer available, otherwise, I would have probably stick with them. On the other side of the token, one always want to keep up with technology... even if, often enough, the new stuff is crapier than the old one! :D :p
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I bought my wife a pair of the Logitech H800 Wireless Headphones awhile back for $50 (refurb but couldn't tell) from Newegg and they seem to work really well. The range is good and they are on-ear, not over-the-ear like my pair of G930's are. Yes, there is a mic, but when it is rotated back into the headset you can hardly tell it's there.

I'm not sure that's what you're looking for, but it's the only suggestion that I can make in that price range.

If you are willing to go over the ear, the G930's are great, but above your price range unless you can find them used/refurbed.
I don't have a pot to piss in but my ears are very finicky :p and over the ear just bother me to much :confused:

Those Logitech H800 don't look bad at all... both regular usb wireless and BT as well. I could always stow away the mic ;)

I'll keep an eye on them for sure but I will wait for a few more options if at all possible.