Looking into water, some questions..

gwai lo

Aug 31, 2004
I've done some reading around and read various walk through and FAQ's, but for some reason things just aren't as clear as I'd like to be after this much research..so excuse me if my questions are stupidly obvious and can easily be answered if I went and looked harder, because chances are I just didn't get it. =/

So first off I know my situation isn't ideal for watercooling..but it's something I always wanted to do and the challenge is kind of appealing. I have an SFF ( go to school rather far away from home ) and I want to build assemble an external solution that will cool ( for now ) just an E6400 in an SG01. I don't really do GPU overclocking ( not yet anyway ) and I was just going to throw a decent aftermarket heatsink onto the NB. So not too much cooling power is needed and space isn't necessarily a problem because it's all going on top of the case ( I was just going to find someone to cut me two holes on the back for the tubing to and from the CPU block ). However, I'm taking this rig back and forth between school and home a few times a year ( summer and winter breaks for now ) via plane ( West Lafayette to LA is a long drive ), so I have some questions that relate to that as well. I know I should just stick to air, but I've done it before and I wanted to try something different.

These were the main components I have picked out, I'm not sure if they're overpowered for what I need or just plain unsuited for such a situation, so go ahead and yell at me:

D-Tek Fuzion CPU Block
Swiftech MCRES-Micro
Swiftech MCR220
Swiftech MCP655
PT Nuke

So first off the block, I see these things:

Is the mounting set really that helpful? Or is it just marketing? I'm inclined to believe I don't need it just because the way this case is designed the motherboard sits facing straight up anyway. The accelerator nozzle sounds like something I'd actually have to get though, do I?

Next, are there any little things I'm missing? I imagine I need clamps or something along those lines, but I'm also rather lost as to which ones to get ( related to the tubing I choose? ).

Since I have to move it once in a while, I know I'm going to drain the loop before going, but I was just planning on draining it and leaving everything about where it is and just having the empty loop in my bag ( I carry the SFF on the plane ). Just wondering if I can just refill the loop when I arrive and just start the system up again.

Yeah I feel stupid for asking so many questions, I know what it's like when people ask an excessive amount of questions most of which should be easy to find answers to, so if you're going to yell at me, point in a better/more specific direction at least. :p Oh and if I can lower the cost..that'll obviously be better. I was initially only going to spend 200 bucks, but this is probably going to end up being more, I'll give it 250 with 300 being the max..but obviously lower is better. :D

Thanks in advance