Looking to Build my own Aluminum case Anyone know Where I can find Aluminummmmmm


Limp Gawd
Oct 28, 2004
Im looking"well hoping to that is" to build my own case and mod it as well, or did i just repeat my self there :confused: anywho, anyone know how or where I can get Aluminummumum, to do this project of mine. I have already found a place that I can get the removable mobo tray (with the help of some of people here) but now i need to find a place that I can get Aluminummumum from :cool:
CrimandEvil said:
Your local Hardware stores like Home Depot, Lowes, etc.

I was at home depot yesterday, and bought a Dremel and asked them and they don't carry any, or even know does, and have had no luck with Hardware stores, I will check with Lowes though, thanks :)
My Home Depot stocks aluminum sheet, angle, bar, and rod. It's near the shelving units at my store.

Anyways, barring that, it's time to pick up the phone book and call some metal suppliers. I recently got a quote for aluminum for a case of regular tower dimensions, with 1/8" aluminum panels and a 1/4" thick faceplate. I was quoted around $70 at my local supplier. Many cities have a Metal Supermarkets location (http://www.metalsupermarkets.com), who are happy to sell in low quanitities for these kinds of projects.

Otherwise, as a last resort, I'd buy online. There are several aircraft metal suppliers which sell pretty cheap. Another good option is McMaster-Carr (http://www.mcmaster.com), or as a very last resort, Online Metals (http://www.onlinemetals.com).
xonik said:
My Home Depot stocks aluminum sheet, angle, bar, and rod. It's near the shelving units at my store.
:eek: If i maybe so bold as to ask, Where is your Home Depot :D
Anyways, barring that, it's time to pick up the phone book and call some metal suppliers. I recently got a quote for aluminum for a case of regular tower dimensions, with 1/8" aluminum panels and a 1/4" thick faceplate. I was quoted around $70 at my local supplier. Many cities have a Metal Supermarkets location (http://www.metalsupermarkets.com), who are happy to sell in low quanitities for these kinds of projects.

Otherwise, as a last resort, I'd buy online. There are several aircraft metal suppliers which sell pretty cheap. Another good option is McMaster-Carr (http://www.mcmaster.com), or as a very last resort, Online Metals (http://www.onlinemetals.com).

Now I know why people leave New Jersey :D , Okay Very good, thanks much for the links I will check them out :D
xonik said:
Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Well i guess driving there is out of the Question :D Thanks again!!

But now that Metal supermarket is only 50 or so mins from me, Cool :cool:
www.mcmaster.com has it as well.

You should check with some local machine shops as well. I work with one frequently and they usually have some scrap that is the size I need. Additionally, having them cut the large square/rectangular pieces with the big equipment will save a lot of time and give you the straight lines you may not get at home.
Xeese said:
www.mcmaster.com has it as well.

You should check with some local machine shops as well. I work with one frequently and they usually have some scrap that is the size I need. Additionally, having them cut the large square/rectangular pieces with the big equipment will save a lot of time and give you the straight lines you may not get at home.

Oh Geeze Slap me in the head a few times I never even thought of that,
thanks much :D
Okay with all the reasearch I have been doing, and trying to think what to do and so on, Here is a Pic of what i have in mind.

"well at least somthing on these lines of a mod" and yes it is a Space Station From Star Trek The Next Generastion.
Okay Okay I admit it im a Trekkie / Trekker :D And so that is what has Inspired me to try and see if I can Do this. And yes Im also a collector ;)

And so far from what I found as in the Material needed, it would not cost much at all, and I do have to thank twyztyr , xonik, For the links to where to get the Parts and so forth, and thanks to, LoneWolf, DudeItsMe, thevampirelord66, cheesedood, Tanis143, for all the words of wisdom on what to put into my new first mod. Hope I did not leave anyone out

I have also been reading the Copper Case Mod thread, to try and get ideas on how to put this idea of mine together, but its for Copper, and Im looking to do it all with Aluminum, and the Question is how would I best go about buiding this Case, I was thinking of getting Threaded rods and as small as i could go and still keeping the Structure Sound. I could use the Threaded rods and use nuts to secure the panels to the Aluminum Frame I would need to build, and then grind the Threaded rod ends to make them look like Antenna's?

But then again Im not sure how Gaudy that might look in the end though, Or would I be better off finding someone that can Weld Aluminum, or do you? I have worked with models "as in plastic Models" in the past, I know its not the same, but knowing how workable Aluminum is, is there a way I could bond the pieces together? And as for tools I bought the Dremel 400 XPR, cheap to only $99.00 at home Depot, I also have a Modeling Paint Sprayer to do the paint work.

Any ideas and or words of wisdom would be helpful, and if anyone else has ever built a case with Aluminum, how did you go about it, and as soon as I get to start building it, I will post Pics but im not going to rush the build at all, I want to make sure I get it right.

Thanks again inadvance.
Dre :D
Guys, gals.........do not recommend people buy heavy sheet metal online. The shipping price would turn a good deal into a shitty deal.

Go to a local metal shop. They always carry stuff. Mine is right down the block and they have any and everything.
For bonding the metal together, if you can do it in a hidden connection pont - JB weld.
Xeese said:
For bonding the metal together, if you can do it in a hidden connection pont - JB weld.

Thanks for the idea, I will try that out this weekend, and one of the Engineers at work said he has a few scraps of Aluminum at home and will bring into work tonight for me to experiment with and so on.

jb weld isnt all that great especially if u get it on urself or a peice u dont want
Do you mean that it would not hold very well?

That space station will be pretty big.....unless u go mini ITX :)
Yeah I know that it will, and im planning to go with ATX, I already have all the innerts for my build planned out and will be getting them NewEgg.com, but now im set back alittle, cause my poor ole 10 year old 35" TV Tuckered out on my just after I beat Halo 2, So I had to go buy a new TV.
But this Idea of a case is just something i have been toying around in me wittle Brain :) , and it will depend on if I can build it that is, and I was just hoping to get some input and or any ideas / comments on it, from the master moders and people here who have been doing this for a lot longer than me :D

Go to a local metal shop. They always carry stuff. Mine is right down the block and they have any and everything.
Im going to try that on monday or tuesday since that is when my days off start and i will have time to run around.

Thanks all for ya ideas and coments
JBweld holds very well. If you get it where you don't need it - it cleans up with water IIRC - at least before it cures. Just pay attention to the work times and set times. Having an assortment of clamps or other materials to hold it is advisable.
Xeese said:
JBweld holds very well. If you get it where you don't need it - it cleans up with water IIRC - at least before it cures. Just pay attention to the work times and set times. Having an assortment of clamps or other materials to hold it is advisable.

I picked up some JB Weld today, and one of the Engineers from work game me two small sheets of Aluminum that are about 1/6" thick, he said it was 50 thousands of an inch. Now its time to see easy or hard it will be to work with be i really get started, also while i was at Home Depot (a diffrent one that is) I found what looks like 36" by 36" square sheets of Aluminumm that looks like its 92 thousands of an inch but im sure if it will be to thin, yet it is much easier to bend and form?