Looking to replace Sennheiser HD 485 with something bigger

Aug 7, 2005
I'm very happy with the sound quality of my HD 485's but I have larger ears and they become painful after an hour or so. Are there any comparably priced headphones that have even larger or more heavily padded ear-overs?

I know this is a stretch as these headphones are already pretty big, but maybe another manufacturer makes something nice.

Thanks in advance
At that price point, I don't know of any. If you can spend a little more the most comfortable headphones I've ever encountered are Audio Technica's ATH series. You can get the ATH-500s for like $90 from Audio Cubes. Well worth it IMO.
$90 is well worth it if they are comfortable. Lets say I was willing to spend up to $150 for some cans that didnt require am amplifier to sound good. Would any other cans come to mind?
Hey I just wanted to tell you I own those exact Audio Technica headphones and they are very comfortable and sound great.
If you like the sennheiser sound I would suggest sticking to them and just go up the ladder of their higher products when you can afford it. I tried some other headphones after just using a pair of 280-hd (which I've read that audiophiles generally seem to think are mediocre) but tried beyer and other brands and I didn't like the sound signature they had. I use 650's now and they sound great to me out the box (no burn-in required like most suggest when trying out new headphones) wasn't like that for other the other brands I tried.
HD555's.... $100 shipped at newegg and amazon if I remember correctly.

I owned both, and just sold my HD555 a couple minutes ago :mad:

One reason I sold my HD485 was because of the smaller earcups also, the HD555 was the right upgrade. My huge ears fits in there nicely.

Sound quality wise. HD555 is better in every way. Bass will be less in quantity at first, but doing a side by side comparison, the HD485 sounds muddy. The HD555's bass will be much more defined and clean.
Bass will be less in quantity at first, but doing a side by side comparison, the HD485 sounds muddy. The HD555's bass will be much more defined and clean.

And that's nothing a little EQ couldn't fix, if you wanted the extra bass back.
Man, whish I could try some different types of headphones. Seems that up here in Canada the only headphones all the retailers know is Sennheiser. And even to get HD595 I had to buy them online from NCIX at $259.99 CAD.