Looking to upgrade my HD 4650


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2006
Phenom II x2 555BE
4GB ram
Win 7 64
550 PSW

I currently have a HD 4650 and mainly play SCII and WoW. I'm playing at medium settings but would like to bump my card power a bit. I'm saving FPS for the 360 but strategy and RPGs for my PC are the main games. I don't want to spend more than $250. Can someone help me out with a nice and decent card to get some better graphics without busting my wallet? Thanks.
I'd get a 6850 and call it a day. Huge boost over what you're using ATM. :)
If you look at the 2nd machine in my sig it's similar to yours. It's my stepson's machine and I just got him a 5770 at frys' for 80 after rebate and destorys SC2. You can get them for 100 bucks almost every day on newegg.
For 1920x1200 resolution I'd still lean towards the 6850. But if he was on 1680x1050 then a 5770 would be good enough IMO.
Will the 6850 give me good FPS when I max out SCII on the 1920x1200? Also, would 2x5770 be better than a 6850? For the price of 2x5770 would I need a higher wattage PSU?
Get the most you can afford, preferably without using Xfire or SLI.
Will the 6850 give me good FPS when I max out SCII on the 1920x1200? Also, would 2x5770 be better than a 6850? For the price of 2x5770 would I need a higher wattage PSU?

I play Starcraft 2 on "Extreme" at 1080p and it runs fine, though your CPU will be the limit in that game. Unless you play crazy 4v4 or massive custom maps you should be good.
Ok. I've decided to go with the 6850 or 6870. On the numbers, what's the difference from zndc, znfc, znbc and stuff. Oh, I'm going with XFX since i haven't had any issues at all with their products.

Will my Corsair 550w PSU handle them?

How much of a difference is the 6850 from the 6870?