Looking to upgrade the most important part of my rig, a new mouse.


[H]F Junkie
Oct 10, 2001
Ok, so I have been using an MS Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 for going on 5 years I think now and it's starting to get a little beat up. The mouse feet are gone, it catches on my Ratpadz and there is an odd rubbery type substance that has been peeling off the shell for like a year now.

I love this mouse and I was just goin to buy a new Intellimouse, but I figured, why close myself off when there appears to be so many choices out there now.

I used to have a Logitech MX700, but it was a little heavier then I'd like and stopped fitting in the charging cradle properly after a few months.

I am not opposed to wireless, I just never really used a wireless aside from the MX700. Side buttons for back/forward while browsing are a must as it's pretty much second nature to me now. Extra buttons are ok I guess, but I hated the document button on the MX700 as I kept hitting it by mistake when scrolling.

I saw the video thing of hte MXRevolution and to honest, it doesn't look to comfortable.

I play WoW and TF2 for my gaming, so I guess I wouldn't need an uber gaming mouse. I think comfort is the biggest factor for me.

What are the basic suggestions out there? I did search, but there are so many threads, that unless I search for specific models, it's a lot to wade through. Maybe someone should make a KB/Mouse sticky.

Also, if it's part of a KB/Mouse combo, that's cool, I just use a HP keyboard anyway, just no ergo stuff.

Thanks in advance folks.
The 2 side button version of the G5 is easily the best mouse I've ever used. It's as light or as heavy as you want it to be with the included weights. On the fly resolution adjustment. The "pattern" makes the mouse grippy. Just all around a great chunk of hardware. I was also quite happy with the MX518 it replaced which can sometimes be found quite cheaply.
