Looking to upgrade


Jun 24, 2004
I'm using the system in my signature (current video card is a GTX 660). I rarely game any more, but I decided to grab Witcher III when GMG had it on sale recently and it seems to run pretty slowly on my system. I don't like to spend more then $200 on a video card, due to not gaming much and was wondering if the Asus Strix 2GB GTX 960 would be a good upgrade for me? Amazon has it just under $200 with a MIR, which seems reasonable, plus I'll get ~$5 in point back on my Amazon card. Does the GTX 960 perform well enough in a game like Witcher III at 1200p?
Well, just noticed the Strix card doesn't have two DVI connectors, which I need, so I'm now looking at the Gigabyte G1 Gaming card, as it's around the same price, has good ratings and has two DVI connectors. Anyone have experience with that card? My monitors, which I don't have money to replace, have DVI and display port only and I'd prefer not to use display port as that would be another cable I'd need to purchase and I like DVI better.
Its a good card but they do have hit and miss coil whine issues. Why not use Displayport or HDMI to DVI adapters? Your card options open up dramatically with that and I would poney up the extra and find a used 970, you will get a lot more performance and believe me, Witcher 3 needs serious GPU power.
The Witcher is pretty graphically intensive.

The good news is a 960 will definitely be an upgrade to your 660, you will notice improvement. I guess the question is how much do you care about ultra settings everywhere, maxed resolution etc. vs being able to turn a few options down? With a 960, I don't believe you'll be able to max everything, but you should still end up somewhere close.
The Witcher is pretty graphically intensive.

The good news is a 960 will definitely be an upgrade to your 660, you will notice improvement. I guess the question is how much do you care about ultra settings everywhere, maxed resolution etc. vs being able to turn a few options down? With a 960, I don't believe you'll be able to max everything, but you should still end up somewhere close.

Yep, that's the decision I have to make. I need to sit down tonight and see what settings I can change and how good I can get the performance with my current card. As I said, I don't game much nowadays, so I have a hard time wanting to spend money on computer parts lately. Thanks for the observations though.
You could wait and see if Nvidia releases a 960Ti later this year. No guarrentee though and probably well past $200 mark
Well, just noticed the Strix card doesn't have two DVI connectors, which I need, so I'm now looking at the Gigabyte G1 Gaming card, as it's around the same price, has good ratings and has two DVI connectors. Anyone have experience with that card? My monitors, which I don't have money to replace, have DVI and display port only and I'd prefer not to use display port as that would be another cable I'd need to purchase and I like DVI better.
I don't know whether or not you can use both DVI outputs on the G1 at the same time, so that may be something you need to consider. If you can't use both DVI on the G1 you're going to need to invest in an HDMI to DVI cable.

What is the issue with DisplayPort? The only problem with it I could understand personally is the wake from standby behavior. You can get a good cable for $10-$15 depending on the length you need.
I don't know whether or not you can use both DVI outputs on the G1 at the same time, so that may be something you need to consider. If you can't use both DVI on the G1 you're going to need to invest in an HDMI to DVI cable.

What is the issue with DisplayPort? The only problem with it I could understand personally is the wake from standby behavior. You can get a good cable for $10-$15 depending on the length you need.

Mostly spending the extra money. Ironically, I turned off the hairworks crap on Witcher III and it's running fine now. I thought it looked ridiculous with it turned on anyway, so no loss. I may just wait 6 months or so, or until I buy a game that forces me to upgrade.

Thanks for the advice all!
It's usually the other way around :eek:

Anyhow.. a GTX 960 vs a GTX 660 is a nice improvement without the use-case context of the Witcher.

Anand's Bench didn't have a 960 that i saw, but it's right around a R9 285 performance-wise, so: The R9 285 (960 ballpark #s) vs the GTX 660.

Thanks for that link.

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