looks like OCAU has a new heavy-hitter

I would imagine that just like Sceggs, this is another school district that's fired up for the new year. The big thing is, we continue to combat their huge hitters like that by having a tight knit team of alot of midlevel folders which is infinite more times valuable than a couple of those! :D
New folder, but by the fact that the name has .edu.au

im guessin its a school folder, like sceggs, trinedy, and silicon wars.

No clue atm how many points he will level off at though, only being a few days into it.

So what's up with school districts in the US? Why don't we have any huge school folders like this?

embries said:
So what's up with school districts in the US? Why don't we have any huge school folders like this?

Because they're run by egotistical morons who can barely keep it running, and don't want people installing stuff on "their" machines, even though it's the taxpayers' property. People seem more relaxed "down under".

Full Folding Ahead!

embries said:
So what's up with school districts in the US? Why don't we have any huge school folders like this?

'cause I really doubt that CMU will be happy with me installing F@H on all the machines here...
I go to a large public university. In the buiness department's computer lab, there's approx 120 1 year old P4 machines that are used for nothing more stressful than email and word processing. They stay on 24x7 and waste all manner of cycles. I tried my previous go-round with folding to find out who I'd have to talk with in order to find out if they would even consider folding, but I was stymied. I figured people at other universities would have had better luck.

I would say five digit ppd...not too many of us have that. :p

...and because you need quite a few machines to reach that.
darktiger said:
What constitues a heavy-hitter?

I'd say 50,000PPD is a heavy hitter, but 10,000PPD-20,000PPD users could also be put in that category. Perhaps entry-level heavy hitters? :D

Full Folding Ahead!

Well, I guess it's time to talk to the IT department about FAH again.

I've been thinking about hitting up the elementary school my son goes to. They have 2 computer labs with ~20 boxes each...but they're all macs. I don't know F' all about macs.
I remember the first time I had to install a cable modem on a mac, no idea where to begin to setup tcp/ip......and the mac-tard that owned it had a voice activated password on it....that only worked 1 out of 5 tries. I think he was pretty perturbed at me by the 17th reboot, but thats what he gets for owning something that no one else in the world does. :D
I got it working though.
Well Im trying to get my company to let me borg a couple of machines. Their supposed IT/webmater is kind of clueless though. Just look at our webpage. www.marcocrane.com Im going to do a webpage for the Norhtern Arizona Division, when I get some down time but, we have been busy for winter.It wont be hard to improve. Where the hell is our snow. I figure if I do a good enough page they will let me, borg some.