Lord of the Rings Online peeps...


[H]F Junkie
Jul 13, 2004
So, the game is about 1.5 years old now, and the Mines of Moria expansion is coming quite soon. I'm sure that those of us here that still play it have some pretty groovy characters by now. So let's see them...

Here is my Champion (melee AoE DPS and off-Tank) in full Rift (raid) gear.

And the Hunter (ranged DPS) in a cosmetic outfit, because the actual armour is atrocious...
Thats looks good!

Can you customize the look of your char-toon at all?

Yeah, there are 2 cosmetic equipment "slots". You can wear basically any armour cosmetically, as long as you could equip it normally. So a medium armour (leather) wearing hunter can equip anything light (cloth) or medium cosmetically, but nothing heavy (mail). Likewise, a light armour wearing minstrel (healer) can equip anything light cosmetically, but nothing medium or heavy. And of course a guardian (tank) can equip anything heavy, medium, or light. Of course, anything cosmetically equipped does not give you buffs or bonuses or anything...it's just there for looks.

On my champion, the only thing I have cosmetically equipped is the cloak. My real cloak has a hood and hides the cool helmet. But on my hunter, none of my real armour is visible, because it is all extremely ugly.

You can also dye almost every piece of armour and cosmetic clothing, and there is a pretty wide range of colors. My champion's armour is dyed Rust, which produces the orange trim, and my hunter's armour is dyed black, which makes the trim black on that outfit.

Oh, and when you PVP, cosmetic outfits are disabled and it always shows your real armour.
Ah, see this is something I would really like to see more of.

Costume customization ftw...or in this case, armor customization.

And thanks for the info!
I loved LOTRO and the time I spent with it. It's one of the best MMO's out there. But ultimately my lack of a guild killed it for me. Me and my other 3 friends hit a wall around level 30 in where quests started requiring full fellowships. The game needed more solo and small group content for me to keep playing.

Good pics.