Losing connection


May 10, 2005
Ever since I made the switch from athlon xp to a64 I've had reocurring problems with my internet connection(cable). First problem was internet explorer took over 10 seconds to connect to the internet whenever I started a new window(when you start up it says 'detecting proxy settings' at the bottom for 10 seconds before the page loads) so I switched to firefox. Firefox loads instantly but sometimes while browsing it will just cut out and pages won't load, and my msn will disconnect by itself. Usually to completely get rid of it I have to reboot then I'm okay for a little while. Specs in the sig using XP Home.
In IE try
Tools - Internet options - Connections - LAN settings . Write down any settings then, uncheck and clear EVERYTHING

If that doesent work

Try diffrent DNS servers (It may not be related to the new PC)
it's set to automatically detect settings so I wouldnt be clearing anything.
Could it be my motherboard's intergrated ethernet? maybe needs an updated driver. If it turns out to be that and a driver doesn't help would using a pci ethernet card change anything? Also would there be any loss in speed from integrated ehternet to a 4 year old pci ethernet card(I'm assuming yes)?
You're kinda missing the point. UNCHECK "automatically detect settings" and let us know how that affects your situation.
Nate7311 said:
You're kinda missing the point. UNCHECK "automatically detect settings" and let us know how that affects your situation.

Exactly.. The fact that it has to automaticaly detect the settings means it takes time to do that.. UNCHECK everything.

Turning everything off will direct to use TCPIP right away.

The Question about your NIC card is a loaded one.. Make sure your PC's NIC is set to autodetect. (NOT RELATED TO THE SETTINGS IN IE) A 4 year old PCI card may actualy be better. The drivers are mature (that is if you are using the latest drivers which is important!). We have instances where NEW Nic's will come in and not Autodetect correctly. (IE intigrated Gigabit Intel cards on IBM laptops) Driver updated typicaly fix the issues, but we have also had to wait for the vendor to update their driver to fix the autodetect issue.

Autodetect on one side and full duplex on the other is a duplex mismatch! Autodetect is a protocol that is needed on both sides to work properly. That being said Auto and Half should work, but is not optimal.
Reference on switch and PC settings.
Nate7311 said:
You're kinda missing the point. UNCHECK "automatically detect settings" and let us know how that affects your situation.
sorry, I'm kinda sick today with a headache, not thinking totally straight. But anyway that did help with an issue with IE taking 10 seconds to load the first page. I just did it so I havent had time to encounter a connection loss(usually happen an hour or more apart).
I'm still losing my connection in msn messenger.
EDIT I just installed that pci ethernet card I had lying around and it seems like pages are loading a lot faster, I'll report if there are anymore issues.
Look for updated drivers for the integrated card. It's amazing how long 100Mb and autodetect has been around and they still screw it up.

Actualy if the PCI card works and you have the extra slot, just use that.

I bet if you find that the PCI card works fine you could set the integrated card to 100/Half and it would work.
moetop said:
Look for updated drivers for the integrated card. It's amazing how long 100Mb and autodetect has been around and they still screw it up.

Actualy if the PCI card works and you have the extra slot, just use that.

I bet if you find that the PCI card works fine you could set the integrated card to 100/Half and it would work.
yeah I have plenty of unused pci slots. And whats this with setting the integrated card to 100/half what does that mean?
It's a setting on the card.

Control panel - Network and Dialup connections.

Right click on the local area connection and select properties.

click the configure button next to the card at the top.

Somewhere in here you can set your link speed and duplex. (The reason I say somewhere is because some card manufactures have theior own interface and it can be diffrent from others)

Speed is how many Mb (Notice the small b meaning BITS)
Duplex is wheather the card can send and receive at the same time.

If you set the card to 100/half and it seems to work better, it might be an indicator that the card is not autonegoitiating correctly (Probably Duplex mismatch. One side thinks it's 100/full the other thinks it's 100/half). It might be a good idea to look for newer drivers, and if you cant find them, then go with the PCI card.

I wouldent run at 100/half. I would use it to test though.

If you find yourself using the PCI card, dont forget to go into the PC's Bios and turn the initgrated NIC off. No reason to run something that is not going to be used..
I had this problem, it was with the firewall in my router.

but think god for firefox I don't have to change the settings. :)