Lost Coast


Limp Gawd
Jul 27, 2004
Anyone know what time this week Lost Coast will be coming out?
pop some popcorn and sit back .... for like 25 hours while everyone dls it.

I'll get it sometime next month when steam has some bandwidth available.
SwanBeeCh said:
pop some popcorn and sit back .... for like 25 hours while everyone dls it.

I'll get it sometime next month when steam has some bandwidth available.

The sad thing is that is pretty true. There bandwidth is going to raped so bad. Makes me wonder why they didnt preload it :confused:
I think they enjoy watching people suffer. They can probably hear the cries of frustration.

I know that I swear at steam when they dont give me 3 mbit down. :)
Weird, just now it got released on my steam.. ive been restarting for lots of times.

wowz0r, the requirement specs are so high, only my video card meets it. I have 2500+ and 768mb ram and 6800. Time for upgrade...
but 15minutes of gameplay im sorry but thats unacceptable from the time ive had popups from steam Teasing me, oh look a nice add on to HL2 well it sounded nice i would have been much more pleased if it was at least half-hour, or hour.(maybe my prejudgement will be wrong)

well we will see how i like it gonna play later tonight, cant pull myself away from BF2,FEAR,DOD:s heh
dwilson041781 said:
but 15minutes of gameplay im sorry but thats unacceptable from the time ive had popups from steam Teasing me, oh look a nice add on to HL2 well it sounded nice i would have been much more pleased if it was at least half-hour, or hour.(maybe my prejudgement will be wrong)

well we will see how i like it gonna play later tonight, cant pull myself away from BF2,FEAR,DOD:s heh

It is FREE. Christ, it is amazing how many people have the bitch and moan over FREE content.
himmy said:
It is FREE. Christ, it is amazing how many people have the bitch and moan over FREE content.

I don't care! I want my money back!........


himmy said:
It is FREE. Christ, it is amazing how many people have the bitch and moan over FREE content.

I don't care! I want my money back!........


:D \

Also, is this HDR stuff more CPU intensive or video card intensive?
still says not released in my games menu and when i goto browser on steam i find it and press install game and it comes up and says your comp doesnt meet the system requirements and it wont install? in truth, my comp DOES meet them.
Liquid Spark said:
I dl'ed it in like 5 minutus but now I'm getting the game not available right now error :(
Try rebooting your PC, I had the same problem when DoD:S came out, and a reboot fixed it for me.
For some reason my game is sound stuttering/freezing and has even went black and white on me. Unplayable.:(
himmy said:
It is FREE. Christ, it is amazing how many people have the bitch and moan over FREE content.

Seriously. I dont understand some people.
SwanBeeCh said:
pop some popcorn and sit back .... for like 25 hours while everyone dls it.

I'll get it sometime next month when steam has some bandwidth available.

same here, waiting for bandwidth to be freed...

besides, last thing i need is another "game" to play..

currently swamped with COD2, Civ IV, FEAR, QUAKE, AOE3.. well, u get the idea... too many new games in such a short period = no sleep



Clowning, what are your system specs and what settings are you using? Those FPS seem really low
Gawd do you have to use the gravity gun to climb that scaffolding? I hate puzzles! I just wanna BLAST!

Oh, and the graphics? Insane
So what exatly does this tech demo have in it that DoD:S doesnt? (besides that guy with a super high poly count)
Meh, the graphics only really get impressive near the end. 'Impressive' gets to be an understatement though.

Did I just actually finish that in 15 minutes?? I hope there is more to this that just that? How long do we have to wait for the next installment?

Ryder said:
still says not released in my games menu and when i goto browser on steam i find it and press install game and it comes up and says your comp doesnt meet the system requirements and it wont install? in truth, my comp DOES meet them.
Im gettin the same errors!!!! I have an AMD 3000+ but it says i have a 2.2 ghz and it does not meet the requirements... (i know amd 3000 is 2.2 ghz but shouldnt it recognize the 3000+ part?)
*sigh* re-dowloading HL2..

Haven't played since my last format + reinstall :(
wow we wait that long for just this, i beat it in 10 min. Sigh, those were some nice gfx
Were you guys expecting something to be like an hour? Valve said pretty blatantly that this is merely a techdemo and if you are wanting this to be beefy or have lots of story that you would be disappointed...
xSnowmaNx said:
Were you guys expecting something to be like an hour? Valve said pretty blatantly that this is merely a techdemo and if you are wanting this to be beefy or have lots of story that you would be disappointed...
Quoted so people might get it.
quite honestly this EASILY takes the grapics crown. On my system it approaches photorealistic in the chapel. Absofuckingloutley incredible.

system is

3ghz AMD opteron 1mb cache
2gb redline @ 250mhz 2-2-2-5
7800GTX @ 490/1350
Dell 20in widescreen which is what makes the experience

i cant describe how good the graphics look. Although, I do chug in a VERY FEW places.
Time for SLI methinks.

1680x1050, 4xAA SS gamma corrected AA (you know, the kind that does the fences too), 16xAF, reflect all, hdr enabled, all settings maxed.

This looks totally awsome :eek: Plus it runs great on my rig which is a huge +. Please if you guys really want to see this stuff in new games Email Gabe like he said in the end of the demo. I did.
Ok, I'm a complete noob at this. How do I post screenshots? The insert image button asks for a url link, how do I post one saved to my hard drive?

I suppose Ill dig another few sticks of ram out of my other machine....
