Lost DLL files in Kernel - Help


Limp Gawd
May 30, 2005

Yest I installed a new anti virus, and the computer got terribely slow after that i installed it etc apparentely every process that was being executed was scanned before etc ... anyway i decided to un-install it
that done i also installed a couple of games that i saw in the add/remove programs window which i don't play anymore

I *restarted the computer for the changes to take effect*
the comp posted, the windows xp logo loading screen came and than a blank screen :mad:
i restarted ... chose the 'previous correct setting mode' and still the same
i restarted ... chose safe mode and a list of 'c:winodw/partition/drivers/xxx.dll' was ouputted on the screen and the log in screen afterwards, if i click on any user or on 'turn off your computer' the computer stops responding

i re-inserted the windows cd and tried to reapir the windows installation on that partition and when it was finally complete and i rebooted, after the windows xp logo loading screen a new screen appears which says approx.:

Can't find DLL files for Windows Kernel

*Now, i installed a new windows installation on another partition just to check if all data is ok, apparently it is except for some pics i had on the desktop [at least those are the ones which i met till now]

now, what should i do? should i try copy these dll files form the new installation to the older one? if yes, how is ist done? + any other suggestions? i would like to spare all that time reinstalling all dirvers, alll rpograms, restting system to my tastes etc

**Note: After a few restarts the checkdisk scan utility appearied check my disks for consistancy and a couple of times it processed all the data i had from mp3/wma and my 7000 Pics directory with the tag - 'retrieving orphaned file *path/name.xxx* '

My partitions are as follows
c: local disk 50gb - old win installation / all program files / documents
d: data drive 100gb - data directory /pics/music
g: game drive 50gb - games folder + new win installation
all drives are in NTFS format

*i have already transferred a backup copy of my profile onto d:

as you cna note, i can't understand why the chkdisk actually scanned d: since it is not related with the operating system

Thanks for reading all this, but i thought it is better if i give detailed information from the beginning.
Thanks in advance for all your help
Simple fix to your problem is...

1. Put your windows cd into your cd drive and boot from cd and do a ( windows repair )

2. Just format the hd and reinstall windows
Shane said:
Simple fix to your problem is...

1. Put your windows cd into your cd drive and boot from cd and do a ( windows repair )

2. Just format the hd and reinstall windows

yes i tried the windows cd - repair process but it didn't work at all

an i was inclined to avoid formatting of hd etc but seems thats watha gonna do since it appears there no way round :(