Lost Planet Released 6/26/07


[H]F Junkie
Nov 2, 2005
I purchased this via steam, the game has been downloaded and pre-installed. And I can't wait! I loved the demo. Anyone else looking forward to this game?

And 360 players, those who have played it through, what did you think?
It was a really fun game. But forwarned: Quite possibly one of the stupidest stories :)

But the graphics were really great and the action top notch. I played teh demo on PC and seems like they did a great job of porting it over.
It was a really fun game. But forwarned: Quite possibly one of the stupidest stories :)

But the graphics were really great and the action top notch. I played teh demo on PC and seems like they did a great job of porting it over.

I'm looking forward to the eye candy. DX10. I don't need an indepth story line to shoot 'n kill. :p
I'm looking forward to the eye candy. DX10. I don't need an indepth story line to shoot 'n kill. :p

Almost any game can get you "shoot 'n kill." A story is what sets great games above others.
Almost any game can get you "shoot 'n kill." A story is what sets great games above others.

Nah. The gameplay in Lost Planet is amusing, and I really like the unforgiving environment on top of hostile creatures, that are supposedly more adapt. Further, the plot is weak, and only a mild motivator, but I DID like Wayne's character. Just the way he didn't even question what needed to be done, but simply got it done while everyone complained or wondered how to get it done. Probably a product of poor writing, but it worked. I guess he just seemed a lot more human that most shooter heroes, and it was only his willingness to do something that made him anymore capable.

Anyway, not to say they can't be entertaining or engaging, but stories in games are typically poor. Shooters especially. General and immediate motivations are usually much more important. They tend to be more of a flavor or spice, instead of the main course. Important to be certain, but not necessarily required, or often any good by itself. There are a few that are amusing for their own sake, though.

If you want some pretty visuals and lost of things to shoot/blow up, Lost Planet should give you some fun scenarios, Jstamsek. The mechs can get irritating, but I had a blast with this one on 360. I am anxious to give it a whirl on PC. 35 is just a bit too much for me having already played it. It IS a solid price if it is new for you. A fun, if somewhat unpolished and occasionally clumsy shooter. Have fun! Wayne is a hero!
I have the demo, but it keeps saying that my computer is not good enought to play, how can I shut off this message?
I'm patiently waiting. Looked great in DX10 and the gameplay seemed good enough to keep my interest.
I rented it for 360. I was really hyped about it. I played it less than 1/2 way through the single player campaign, and by that point I was so frustrated and annoyed with the gameplay I took it back (EARLY, mind you) and haven't looked back.

It's got some neat elements, but the ability of the enemy AI to chain stumble you until you DIE gets really old. Watching your character slip around and fall into the snow over and over and not being able to do anything about it is frustrating to put it mildly. Add to that a horrid storyline and what quickly becomes a frustrating game mechanic (the need to collect thermal energy to stay alive) and I threw my controller for the first time in years in disgust.

Most people I've seen talk about the game are of the "love it or hate it" variety. I personally hated it.
Wow, anyone who plays this better have a 8800gtx, as it's the only machine that runs it well.

On my pentium d 3.5 ghz machine with 2 gigs ram and a x1900xt512, I get crap fps with everything low.
Wow, anyone who plays this better have a 8800gtx, as it's the only machine that runs it well.

On my pentium d 3.5 ghz machine with 2 gigs ram and a x1900xt512, I get crap fps with everything low.

How did the demo play for you?
EDIT: This actually runs better after I try the demo...

I finalyl got it to run good at all high settings... It's on 720p, but...
I had time to play it last night for about 20 minutes. Game runs great and the graphics are amazing. Borrowing my buddies 8800GTS to I can test out the SLI with it since there is a multi-gpu option built into the game. Will report back when comple.
Its a decent game but as many of you will find out (as the 360 owners already have) it makes a great demo but the complete game gets bland pretty fast.