Lotro Flashboost


Jan 12, 2003
tried this little program that loads textures and meshes onto a performance usb flash drive thus speeding up lotro access to these files and slightly speeding up the game. kinda like readyboost but designed for lotro specifically and i must say that i use fraps to compare and i saw a 10-12 fps increase with everything except AA enabled and i have less hitching in high traffic areas :)

trick to this workin for you is the drive must have a minimum
25mb/sec read :( anyway a 8gb patriot Xporter can be had for 20.98 shipped from the egg and meets the requirments right now u need a 8gb stick as after format u need 4.1gb of space for this program. in the next update the guy who made it is making it so u can split the files between 2 usb drives potentially increasing any performance gains u might see :)

Why dont we see more programs like this for games ? i would think this would be a nice advantage in a PvP atmosphere as u would load into your maps faster :)
here is a link http://lorebook.lotro.com/wiki/LOTRO_FlashBoost
Uh, well flash drives speeding up access time is only going to help where you need to read/write lots of small files, it's the faster "seek" times of flash drives that gives the performance boost, loading large amounts of contiguous space will be faster from a standard hard drive, although some laptops sport really slow hard drives so even then it maybe of some benefit.

Read/write of lots of tiny files is generally not an issue with most modern games.