love my 20.1 inch lcd but its not big enough!


Nov 20, 2000
ok i bought this viewsonic VP201b about 2 weeks ago, and i absolutely love it, it games perfect love the quality of it, BUT its too small! you would think comming from a 15" lcd it would seem huge for quite a while, but no, already i am used to it and i need something bigger, i really dont want to go duallies, i just want a bigger screen, what should i do? should i try and return this thing, add $4-500 and get a bigger one? if so what could i get?
stuman said:
sit closer to the screen :cool:

funny u say that cause i just got done moving the lcd from the back side of the desk to about 1/2 way.... still not big enough :p
you know what get a 51 inch HD TFT with dual buttons and a microwave toaster, comes with a 1 year limited powertrain warranty and 7 power outlets. O yea did i mention you can find this beast on ebay?
I think 20" LCD's should not even exist, its an odd size. Normal sizes go every 2 inches - 15" 17" 19" 21" 23" - For me nothing less than 21 will do - for work or pleasure. Send it back !
Bastek said:
I think 20" LCD's should not even exist, its an odd size. Normal sizes go every 2 inches - 15" 17" 19" 21" 23" - For me nothing less than 21 will do - for work or pleasure. Send it back !

someone should send YOU back, your odd
Buy another one, and if it's still to small, buy 2 more and put them in a square. :D
why not just get a large Tv...get the right vid card to go with it...or maybe build urself a hydra system.

my dad has 4 23" in a square hydra system...its beautiful.....but if i were to play halo ro tribes on it...i would get so dizzy and unbalanced..even if i'm sitting in a chair.

let us know what you finally decided
if one is not enough, get two :D

Apple 30" plus a 4XXX series Quadro..............mmmmm (But a few grand more)
Bastek said:
I think 20" LCD's should not even exist, its an odd size. Normal sizes go every 2 inches - 15" 17" 19" 21" 23" - For me nothing less than 21 will do - for work or pleasure. Send it back !

You know a 20" LCD's screensize is the same as a 21" CRT yeah?
I really want a 23-24" widescreen now, but meh... The chix would kill me if i blew the extra grand over the 2005fpw.
Roarak said:
I really want a 23-24" widescreen now, but meh... The chix would kill me if i blew the extra grand over the 2005fpw. can always get another chick. :)


If your using the monitor for gaming and E-Mail and web browsing then get the Syntax Olevia 30" LCD. I bought one for $999 after rebate and for sh1ts and giggles I hooked it up to my computer and patched in the powerstrip pixel perfect setting and am amazed are how usable this is as a computer monitor.........and for games it's great!!

Check it out here
