Love VG Cats...

I used to love VG cats until he got into the 'let make a new one every month routine'

Either that or he could go with the multiple creator approach like Cyanide & Happiness and update every day with hilarious content.

Eh some of those comics aren't as funny as people make them out to be, and the guy just draws stick figures so it's easy to pump one out everyday.
I enjoy his work when you follow the CAD rule and remove the 2nd and 3rd panels and the text from the fourth.
I read both XKCD and CAD on a regular basis (XKCD is better imho). I just started reading through VG Cats. Lovin' it.
I thoroughly enjoy CAD and have been rarely disappointed by his work.
I thoroughly enjoyed the miscarriage storyline as well. It completely embodies what a gaming comic should be.

You should have noticed the sarcasm there. I'm laying it on pretty thick.

Penny-Arcade is way better. I can't stand Tim because he's so damn full of himself.
i hate CAD, like Penny-Arcade and love VGCats :)
XKCD is wayyy good too!!!
Honestly, Penny Arcade and XKCD are the only comics I regularly follow.

Not that both are ALWAYS good (but xkcd virtually always is). Rather, they are consistent. I don't have to worry about any weird "real life" storylines cropping up. Both of those sites do a really good job keeping their comic world about their comic world, even to the extent PA makes a point of respecting no continuity what-so-ever (both characters have died, what, like a dozen times over the course of the strip with no acknowledgment at all? Not even "Oh my God, they killed Kenny" level - it's simply never addressed and moved passed. Died in one strip, alive the next.)

It's just nice reading something that's always got the same feel to it, the same vibe, the same consistent level of writing and humor.

That said, that particular vgcats linked by the OP is very funny. :D
I can't recall ever reading a funny CAD comic, well, besides the miscarriage one. ROFL THAT WAS FUNNY AS SHIT.
That's why I still love VG Cats even though your lucky if you get to see an update once a year (exaggerating of course). XKCD, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, and Least I Could Do are my daily reads.
As long as its not B^U, I'm ok with it.

Although I do wish the creater of VGCats would get off his ass more often.