Love your socket 754?

I finally gave up and ordered a 2GB set of RAM because I've been playing this game Rappelz that is the biggest hog I've had the displeasure of being addicted to so far. Even with 2GB I still get some pretty bad stuttering at times in the town that I think must be from the CPU now. Before, it was awful and obviously a lot of switching back and forth between the RAM and Pagefile was going on by the hard drive activity during this.

2x 1GB OCZ EL Platinum Edition

And after ordering this one of my Ballistix modules committed suicide. It suddenly died Wednesday morning and wasn't stable at 250mhz 2.5-3-3-8 2T, or 226mhz " ", or 208mhz " ", or 200mhz at the stock 2-2-2-6 1T. Boo! I talked to the technical service Thursday and shipped it back for an RMA that afternoon. I'm not sure what I'll do with that set once I get the replacement. The other still does 250mhz 2.5-2-3-6 1T no problem at 2.9v and hopefully the new one will as well. I know this OCZ isn't nearly as good at overclocking so for now I have it on the DDR333 divider. Later I'll see it works with the 366 divider when I have the time.

yesterday i recieved a TT Big Typhoon HSF and poped the lid of my 3400+ Newcastle and gave the HSF a Lab Job :p I was able to achieve 2.8GHZ SP2004 stable @ 1.7V with max load temp not even reaching 40c lol.....This cooler rocks and the fan on it is dead silent.....For 39.99 it a great buy.....I will let this settle in a little bit and push it more later on...I really havent played with it too much but this will do for now until I upgrade sometime this summer or late this year/early next year :cool: I was using a XP 90 before with a 92mm Zalman Fan and the temps were high 50's @ 2.6ghz and 1.65V if u are wondering
Sucks about your RAM DedEmbryonicCe11, but at least its Crucial, they'll have your replacement shipped out quick.

I was looking at throwing another GB of RAM into my system to smooth out Oblivion, but I'm hung up on two things. First, will the extra RAM push down my overclock? Second, is it worth it to buy DDR RAM when it will be useless when I eventually upgrade (all the latest sockets are on DDR2)?
I bought my 2Gb set of Corsair XMS over the summer right as DDR1 memory hit the sweet spot for price. I paid $180 and got a $50 mail in rebate... was really nice. Looking back, I could have held out longer, pocketed the cash and put it toward my eventual major-overhaul. That will come when UT2007 comes!
That will come when UT2007 comes!
I'm waiting to see how well my s754 rig handles UT2007 and Crysis...

If I'm CPU limited helllooooo Core2Duo :D
If I'm GPU limited helllooooo GeForce 8800GTS (or 7900GT SLI if the price comes down enough to warrant a second card) :D :D
So you have the EpoX 8NPA I take it. With a Venice @ 2.7GHz you just may be able to save yourself some huge upgrades, depending on the resolution/settings you want.

I am a highly competitive gamer, and will play at whatever resolution/details get me a perfect stream of frames with zero variation in the framerate. Somehow I don't think a 3400+ 2.4GHz Athlon64 and a 6600GT are going to provide that. I've had this rig for well over two years and the only components to be changed were the memory and the case. And as I posted earlier, I could have lived with the memory for the extra time. I'm just kind of angry I'm going to have a seriously nice set of 2x1Gb Corsair XMS that I won't be able to use because I'll definitely be going DDR2 in the upgrade. Kind of stinks.

I'm pretty strapped for cash, so it'd be nice if I could simply upgrade the videocard. As I see it, I'll be going dualcore something, 2Gb DDR2 and a DX10 card. It depends on when the UT2007 game is released. When the demo comes out it'll be nice to see how it handles on a lot of systems, but I bet everyone on [H]ard will be benching and comparing results on a wide range of hardware. Hopefully 754 will come through and give some people life even with these newer games like ET:QW, UT2007, Crysis and Alan Wake. As I see it, 2+ years out of (essentially) the exact same rig (albeit the memory, case and psu) is pretty good.
I decided my lid on all of this is a venice +3400 @ 2700, 2gb patriot DDR, and an x1900xt on a biostar tforce skt 754 motherboard. I will wait until the multi gpu cpu engines, and dx10 are mainstream before I upgrade. I do not have money to waste on computer parts, and I do not foresee anything much better coming up in the next six months to a year.
Civ4 supposedly benefits from the extra RAM, but I don't play many other games that do. I ran 2GB for a bit but it was at slower speeds/cas as it was partially cheap Ultra cas3 RAM.

I decided to keep skating by on 1GB for now until my next platform upgrade. Unless I see a killer deal on a matched highspeed 2GB set.
Is there any new retailing socket 754 mobos that support Mobiles? I just upgraded my second comp to a venice chip and have a extra 3400+ mobile I wanted to pass down to a friend, but I cant find a decent priced socket 754 board that supports mobiles.
This is a little bit late, but I just found out that you can tweak the EPoX 8NPA SLI a little and it will boot mobile chips :D. You'll need a normal chip to make the BIOS tweaks, but it appears to be able to run them just fine.

Had standard A64 3000+ processor installed in this board (just to get it up and running). I then went into BIOS and disabled Cool 'n Quiet and set the processor multiplier to its lowest setting (4X).
I then reinstalled the A64 4000+ mobile processor into the EPoX EP-8NPA.
Initially, I booted the system at standard voltage (because EPoX limits processor voltage selections to standard, plus .25 or plus .5v, and a wide selection of minus/undervolted settings).
And, lo and behold, the system booted at 800 MHz.

Enter an old software hack CPUMSR. This program allows processor voltage and multiplier changes on the fly within Windows. Once the system was up and running Windows (@ 800 MHz) I used CPUMSR to change the processor voltage to 1.4v and I increased the multiplier value. There are a few rough spots that I'll discuss in a minute, but IT WORKS!

Now, on to the the rough spots. First, for some reason, once I used CPUMSR (to alter processor voltage) the system boots at 1.4v (I'm not complaining, its just a little weird).

Since the system now boots at a processor voltage of 1.4 (or higher if I set the BIOS to plus .25 or .5v) the next step was obvious. Enter BIOS and make processor multiplier and FSB selections directly. First, test at a stock speed of 2600 MHz (13x 200FSB) - no problem.
Now, with a 12x processor multiplier times a 240 FSB (with memory set at DDR333 to utilize my low latency DDR400 memory) I am now running at 2880MHz (again)!
So the steps are:
1. Install a standard Athlon 64.
2. Go into the BIOS and disable Cool & Quiet, and turn the processor multi down to 4x.
3. Install your mobile chip.
4. Your system will boot at 800MHz.
5. Download CPUMSR and use it to change your voltage to 1.4v and your multi up to the stock multi for your chip.
6. You should now boot at 1.4v (or higher if you decide to select +0.25 or +0.5v)
7. Enter your BIOS and make your FSB/Multi options directly.

This. Motherboard. Is. Awesome!
I will try this with my Newark. My board posts and boots fine but it won't 'reset'. I have to do a hard shut down each time.
Wow, it worked. I'm not sure whether it was turning off CnQ or the multi drop, but reset works properly.
Rightmark shows cpu speed perking up properly on demand.

I wonder what will happen on my Ubuntu install.
Cool, so it's confirmed :D

So when do we see benchmark scores from a 3.2GHz Newark paired with two 8800GTX's in SLI? :p
Ubuntu's version of cpu scaling doesn't like the multi set to 4x in bios and won't scale the cpu up with demand.

I was able to turn CnQ back on in bios and reset still works properly. Strange.
Ubuntu's version of cpu scaling doesn't like the multi set to 4x in bios and won't scale the cpu up with demand.
Hmm, it's strange that Windows did 0_o.

The last step involved setting your multi back to stock via the BIOS, I should have been clearer when I wrote out the directions from his post.
Windows doesn't seem to care what the multi is. Rightmark overrides whatever is set in bios.
Well I just got my 3200+ Venice OEM from Newegg. I owned one once before but sold it to a fellow on another forum. It runs at 2.7 for him which is right in the ballpark (2.73 for me). I sold it because it wasn't doing anything but sitting in my desk drawer.
I picked this one up because I wanted to see if I could best my 3400's 250x11 oc. The numbers on the cpu read as follows:
Strange - I don't remember seeing that stepping on a Venice (LFBBE) so it should be interesting to see how it does.
Wow - AMD was still making these things in the middle of last year. I'm surprised they turned out a batch that late in '06. The code "0649" in the 2nd line indicates a manufacture date of the 49th week of 2006! That explains the LFBBE stepping. My last 3200+ Venice was made in the 5th week of 06 and its stepping was NBBWE. I'm hoping this one will be the best oc'er yet. We'll see in a few days when I get some time to install and test it.
Well I just got my 3200+ Venice OEM from Newegg. I owned one once before but sold it to a fellow on another forum. It runs at 2.7 for him which is right in the ballpark (2.73 for me). I sold it because it wasn't doing anything but sitting in my desk drawer.
I picked this one up because I wanted to see if I could best my 3400's 250x11 oc. The numbers on the cpu read as follows:
Strange - I don't remember seeing that stepping on a Venice (LFBBE) so it should be interesting to see how it does.
Wow - AMD was still making these things in the middle of last year. I'm surprised they turned out a batch that late in '06. The code "0649" in the 2nd line indicates a manufacture date of the 49th week of 2006! That explains the LFBBE stepping. My last 3200+ Venice was made in the 5th week of 06 and its stepping was NBBWE. I'm hoping this one will be the best oc'er yet. We'll see in a few days when I get some time to install and test it.
Very cool, it'll be interesting to see how far that stepping goes.

Still...why dump any more money into the platform for only 100 or 200MHz? At this point it's probably a better idea to start saving for when we jump to new platforms.
I agree, I stopped spending on my main PC and start saving to jump on the Conroe/Allendale wagon during summer. AMD has definitely lost the performance crown this time and the E4300/E4400 is a very very juicy deal...
$57 is nothing that will break the bank for the next upgrade - which will not be anytime soon for me anyhow. I just want to play around with it a little bit is all. I have no delusions about its capabilities, I'm just a junkie who likes to fiddle with stuff to see how well it does.
I liken it to spending money on my '69 road runner. Sure its out of date, uncomfortable and impractical - but it sure is fun to mess with and it still runs very well indeed. :D
I sold my lovely lanpary and 3400+ newcastle.......I couldnt refuse the offer and here I am looking what to do now was gona go core 2 duo but the things I want are just too expensive for me atm so I was thinking a opty 165 and a MSI Neo 2 nForce 3 AGP mobo for $200 total which would be a $70 upgrade for me or the same processor along with a DFI nForce 4 Lanparty nf-4 D if I can find one in stock @ a reasonable price....I also have 2 x 1 GB DDR 400 Patriot LLK 2-3-2-5 and a X800XT AGP 256MB that I dont know what to do with......WAs thinking bout the 4000+ San Diego OEM but it jumped to $100 from $79 :mad: I would like to go pci express so that I can upgrade video cards more me out guys

To summ it up

What I have:

2 x 1 GB DDR 400 Patriot LLK 2-3-2-5
X800XT AGP 256MB
WD 37 GB Raptor SATA
450W Xclio PSU
Case and DVD Burner

Do I go 939 and dual core ? or Do i sell video card and ram and go Core 2 ?

What do I use the pc for ? Web browsing, music, gaming ( like 15 hrs a week max mostly CS source and FEAR ) and once in a while I encode/compress a DVD....I usually have aim open winamp and few firefox browsers so I am not a hardcore user....

My plan was to hold out and when DX10 games show up and hopefully software and more programs take advantage of Dual/Quad cores pull the trigger and upgrade....Thats why I am leaning towards the Msi Neo 2 it brand new my local pc shop has it for dirt cheap which would alow me to keep the video card and just drop in a 939 cpu but idk if I want to take the risk of getting a bad opty 165 stepping or go for a 4000+ San Diego and go for 3+ ghz
What about that ASRock Dual board that has a full AGP and PCI-E X16 slot? Then you could keep everything but still have the option to upgrade to PCI-E X16 later on.

Or sell your AGP card also, and grab a 7900GS or something similar.

Sad to see you go.. I have a 3400+ NC also. Just holding onto this for a bit longer.
Try selling that video card DDR RAM so you can go to a Core 2 Duo setup (based around an E4400).

You can always pick up a PCIe video card when you can afford it, but that AGP card and DDR1 RAM is depreciating every day...might as well sell them while you can.
I'm bringing this back to the first page for all the 754 lovers :)

While i'm still a 754 fan with 2 computers, I decided to part out my main PC to jump in the Core2Duo bandwagon (E4300+BadAxe2). So I decided to sell the cpu and motherboard for anyone who wanted to get something better while still milking the 754 socket :

I'm sure the Epox 8npa-SLI will find a nice home ;)
I have that ram. The best I could do with it was in the 240 range. Not like my pat 1gb combo that ran in the 280 FSB.
i sold most of my stuff new system specs are

E4300 w/ TT BigTyphoon
Gigabyte P965 DS3
2 x 1GB DDR 2 G.Skill 800mhz
eVga 7900GS KO ( temp solution )
Corsair HX 620W PSU

This upgrade costed me about 300$ out of my pocket after selling my old parts which isnt bad I guess.
Very cool, it'll be interesting to see how far that stepping goes.

Still...why dump any more money into the platform for only 100 or 200MHz? At this point it's probably a better idea to start saving for when we jump to new platforms.

Well, it didn't go as far as my 1st one. I got 2.6 @ 1.48v for 4 hrs in Prime95 before I stopped the test. I could get 2.7 @ 1.66v but it wasn't as stable as my last 3200+ at that speed so I just plopped my 3400+ Venice back in place. I'll keep the 3200+ as a backup or donate it to my church's youth group for an upgrade to their old Athlon XP setup. Its between the 3200+ Venice or my 3400+ Clawhammer. I've got all the other parts in my stash and got a hard drive and psu donated from my boss. I'm leaning toward the 3400+ Claw since we won't be oc'ing it (at least not yet) and it has the 1mb of L2 cache which may help in running their video/sound programs. It worked well in my Asus K8N4-E Deluxe mobo when I 1st built my home system so I know that combo will work well for them.
The setup will be:
AMD A64 3400+ Clawhammer at 2.2 ghz w/ stock hsf
Asus K8N4-E Deluxe mobo
Generic 450w psu
80 gb Maxtor PATA 133 hdd
1 gb (2x512) Ultra PC3200 DDR400 ram
MSI NX6600 TD128E 128mb PCI-e video card
CD/DVD drive
That should hold them over for awhile.
just got a 3000+ from newegg to replace my sempy 2800 and it clocked to 2.6 @ 1.48 right outta the box with the retail sempron heatsink will boot @ 2.7 but is not stable. just a little heads up for anyone buying a 3000 to upgrade their sempy 754's
I still need to tweak my settings. I was running 224x12, but I got 2GB of PC3200 HyperX. Best I can do at cas 2 cmd 2 is 214.

Even on s754, latency is better than speed, right?
Depends on what latency vs what clock speed.

Increasing clock speed also reduces latency, so you can overcome lose timings if you can get your clock speed high enough.
Depends on what latency vs what clock speed.

Increasing clock speed also reduces latency, so you can overcome lose timings if you can get your clock speed high enough.

Well, the most I can get is 224x12, and it's running 215x12 right now, so it's about 120mhz at looser timings vs 215 @ cas 2.
Heh, i could enter this one too with another system I have. S754 3000+ On an EPox motherboard.
Well, the most I can get is 224x12, and it's running 215x12 right now, so it's about 120mhz at looser timings vs 215 @ cas 2.

Hey GM - have you tried the 11x multi? Of course it depends on your mobo's ability to hit higher cpu frequencies but you may find that the 11x multi and the DDR333 divider may help you achieve a higher oc. Worked for me.
I still have no complaints !. I run a vLight Vista U. @ 1.5 Gb, and a nLight XP @ 430mb.size wise.
And they both fly (tho I use the XP for gaming) and the vista to learn from.
There is talk already about whats going to happen with support for games in the future with all those not willing to make the change to Vista ,and MS made an announcement on Fri.02/02/07 that stated they will support XP till 2014 ,so you can only no what that means! .
Maybe this time next year ,I'll break down ,funny thing is by the time they get SP1 out for vista and you see DX-10 games out in force ,Conroes and 8800's will be as old as our systems .lol
Well, the most I can get is 224x12, and it's running 215x12 right now, so it's about 120mhz at looser timings vs 215 @ cas 2.

you got me beat.. i'm still using my clawhammer that has trouble over 2.4ghz :p
but i've been using it since '04... still my main rig. pretty impressive considering the abuse i've put it through :D

check it, just for old time's sake!


reattached the ihs with some silicon putty for better transportability not too long ago.. temps are looking good last i checked :p
Hey GM - have you tried the 11x multi? Of course it depends on your mobo's ability to hit higher cpu frequencies but you may find that the 11x multi and the DDR333 divider may help you achieve a higher oc. Worked for me.

I haven't had a chance to play around with it much. Just switched to a dayshift 8x5 type job, 6 credits school, 1 yr old, etc. Hard to get time in the computer room. Prob work on it a little more this weekend. Xbox360 has been distracting too.
Speaking of Vista, I gave it a shot on my laptop (Socket A, but this applys to slower s754 systems aswell) and I can't believe how much ReadyBoost helps this old clunker.

Specs of the laptop:
Processor: Mobile Athlon XP 2.4GHz
RAM: 640MB (DDR 333)
Hard Disk: 40GB 4200RPM

This is the ideal situation for ReadyBoost; well under 2GB of RAM and a slow hard disk. I lined up all my old flash drives and tried them out one at a time, here were the results:

Vista reports as too slow for ReadyBoost (meh, it's an old one).

Well, Windows certainly started faster! I actually had to get out a stop watch so I could time this. From completely powered down, it took 56 seconds to get me to a usable desktop (sidebar loaded). With ReadyBoost I was there in 31 seconds :eek:

Boot time further reduced to 24 seconds. In addition, Windows generally feels more snappy and responsive (I didn't get this feeling with the 128mb flash drive). Big apps aren't effected, but the boost is nice.

4096mb (4GB):
This is just a balls-to-the-wall test, but I couldn't resist seeing what my brand new flash drive could do here (yeah, I just retired the 256mb one). Boot time wasn't any better than with the 256mb flash drive, but big apps now start MUCH faster. For example, without ReadyBoost it takes Photoshop CS 63 seconds to start; with ReadyBoost that is cut down to 18 seconds.:eek:
I haven't popped my head in here in a long time. Probably becuase I still haven't replaced the Gigabyte motherbaord that crapped out on me several months ago. :)

Now that I have finally joined the real world after a stint as a poor grad student (I have a job), I have the monetary means to fix my machine(s). I'm going to build a budget AM2 X2 system for my main machine and hand-me-down all of the components in my 754 system to my HTPC.

In case anyone is interested, Newegg has a 3200+ Venice / DFI Infinity NF4x combo for $80. I'm going to use this as the base for my new upgraded HTPC and hawk my 3700+ Clawhammer. It looks like I'll be able to get a fair amount for it on Ebay.