Low FPS on the 9800XT


Mar 13, 2004
I have the way cool ATI 9800XT, it has a fancy heatsink blah blah.

Any who the deal is, Ive been getting low Framerates on all the games that were made before the 9800XT exsistance, for instance, Rainbow Six 3, BF 1942. So whats the deal? Its obviously software issues, weather the game is accepting the drivers right... whatever. Ive tired everything I know to get the frame rates up, like rolling back the video drivers, changing refresh rates, updated the AGP. But at no sucsess. Any Suggestions? Its making me angry because my 9700 pro is out performing my new 9800XT. :mad:
Hey another Philly member.

I see your still using the Catalyst 3.8s. I don't think they were made after the 9800XT was released. I would update to the latest drivers and see if that makes a difference. You mention rolling back drivers, but not if you tried the latest ones.
What chipset does your motherboard use? If its VIA then I would make sure you have the latest VIA 4in1 drivers also.
This happens if your system is too old to accomodate for the new ATi card properly. For example, if i were to replace a Riva TNT 16 meg with an ATi Radeon 9800 in an old 500 mhz celeron, the performance would go down a lot.
Originally posted by M4d-K10wN
This happens if your system is too old to accomodate for the new ATi card properly. For example, if i were to replace a Riva TNT 16 meg with an ATi Radeon 9800 in an old 500 mhz celeron, the performance would go down a lot.
Either I am misunderstanding you, or you are misinformed.

There is no situation in which a Riva TNT would be better than a Radeon 9800, provided both work.
Tried it on my old computer. Put in a new radeon (not even a good one, but supposedly better than the riva), the performace went down. I suppose it's because the stupid radeon wanted agp8x, and i only have 2x on the celeron. It worked, but with hindering performance loss. I could run Quake III at about 17 FPS (if i moved, it would go down to 4-5), as opposed to 50 FPS which i can get with the TnT. Therefore, you're wrong, suck at general, homelss people laugh at you, you think that conana o'brian is funny, you take prozac, etc...
well what kind of fps are u getting on rainbow six. if u run it with equal performance and quality with vsync on it should give u about 60 fps or so, which is just fine and the optimal setting for gameplay. In someother games it may be best to have vsync off and that will dramatically up your fps. With vsync off I can get like 150 to 200fps on RS six. And if you adjust the settings down towards performance the fps will get up to about the 150s, but you'll get jagged edging on some objects while moving (mostly the scenery). I'm not sure exactly how low your fps is, but when I first got my 9800 pro I was thinking that it should run a billion fps at the highest settings, which I don't think it is (but correct me if I'm wrong cause I'm only going off personal experience and advice from others). Welll, anyway the final point is, just tweak the settings until u getting the smoothest game play and most functional because fps is usually just a number and after a certain point u really can't tell the difference.
Originally posted by M4d-K10wN
Tried it on my old computer. Put in a new radeon (not even a good one, but supposedly better than the riva), the performace went down. I suppose it's because the stupid radeon wanted agp8x, and i only have 2x on the celeron. It worked, but with hindering performance loss. I could run Quake III at about 17 FPS (if i moved, it would go down to 4-5), as opposed to 50 FPS which i can get with the TnT. Therefore, you're wrong, suck at general, homelss people laugh at you, you think that conana o'brian is funny, you take prozac, etc...

To put it quite frankly... you did something wrong.

There truly is no situation where a TNT will outperform a 9800, unless you're running in software rendering mode on an old Celeron 500 or something :rolleyes:

In any properly configured system, there would have been a performance improvement.
OpenGL. On the other hand, the card was doing wonders on 2-D drawing (Diablo II) i was getting mad FPS. It was a Radeon 7600 64mb.
Erm, weren't the Cat 3.8s the ones that got blamed for all that bad stuff? They got blamed for everything from killing your monitor to killing your card to raping your dog, those drivers are bad news.
the reason I rolled back the drivers is because when I updated to the news ones, Rainbow Six wounld run at all. So when I did roll it back it started working. Also Im getting like 60ish FPS in RVS so I guess its standard. Just seems like it should be more, with all the RAM, oh well. Thanks though!
Yeah, you have to make sure you roll back not to the oldest version, but the one that came out right before that. The new drivers prevent many games from functioning; Anything Half Life based (Quake I logic), Anything Quake-based, Unreal Tournament, and so on. You should find the drivers that came out just before the last ones. Also, the same thing happened with the newest nvidia drivers, they prevent most old games from working. Dunno y, something to do with DirectX?? :mad:
Also when you guys were doing the crazy talk about the 9800 getting beat by a tnt2

and the celly having agp 2x
Ummm am i wrong to say agp 2x is 3.3v while 4x-8x is 1.55 or something like that?

Could that be why?