Low frame rates in BO MP


Apr 10, 2006
Is it just me or is anyone else having low frame rates in BO MP? With my rig I am getting a low of 30 FPS and a high of 60 FPS, which I find disappointing. Other games for me run at least 95 FPS. Should I consider a new graphics card? WTF?
Not be rude or anything but have you thought to check the official thread? I mean the MP frame stuttering is quite well documented at this point and there are tons of threads about it.
Not be rude or anything but have you thought to check the official thread? I mean the MP frame stuttering is quite well documented at this point and there are tons of threads about it.

Yikes...Thanks for the response. I will check out that thread.
Wow, I was thinking about getting it but you have one kille rig compared to me until I build my new one.. I can only imagine what it would play like on my machine...