low profile cooler for Q6600, NOTHING HUGE


Limp Gawd
Oct 11, 2006
I have my Q6600 running at 3.0ghz on stock voltage, idles around 45*c (full load 56-59) just looking to drop it a few degrees, maybe keeping it under 50* at load

Is there such a cooler that is roughly the same size/shape as the stock Intel, but performs better??

I am not interested in the really "tall tower" coolers with a 120mm fans or LED's. I think a 92mm fan is perfect for me

I can't seem to find a modest size cooler anywhere. I know I am picky though:D

Here are some pictures of what I am looking for in terms of size.

YES!! I wish

too tall/big I'd rather not cover the view of my rear fan

Thanks for any help or recommendations

oh yeah, using an ABIT IP35-pro motherboard for reference.
The Ultima 90 is the best of your options if it's not too tall for your application once you add a fan... since you /need/ a fan for a Q6600.
You could always go for the Scythe OROCHI J/K

The Ninja mini seems good, If you aren't going to be overclocking though any smaller cooler of reasonable performance would do.
I have the Ninja Mini... it isn't very mini. It's actually quite large.

I bought it and it would not fit in my Ultra microfly case. It was too tall and too wide.
Ultima 90's the best cooler that's been recommended so far.

A shorter option would be the Mini Ninja ("Minja").
Now I've never used it myself and reviews are scarce for it but the Scythe SHURIKEN seems to do rather well at low noise levels as well...This is second hand info though so....
Anyone have a picture of the TRUE, Ultima90, and/or Xigmatek side-by-side?
I want to see visual size comparison. I'm just curious, that's all.
There is a pic on NEOSEEKER:

Not exactly what you are looking for but it shows some popular ones together.
Thanks for the help guys.

That Zalman is nice looking

I am looking for a heatsink that will not block the view of my rear fan, since thats the "focal" point of the window.

Obviously since it attaches to 775.
But I don't see how it physically attaches based on that pic. Well, whatever, it doesn't really matter.
Obviously since it attaches to 775.
But I don't see how it physically attaches based on that pic. Well, whatever, it doesn't really matter.

The adapter brackets are two piece interlocking parts that slides together over the base. The pressure applied from locking the adapter down holds the heatsink onto the CPU.

http://zalman.co.kr/ENG/product/Product_Read.asp?idx=163 Click on the manual link and scroll down a bit to see a diagram of how the adapter is put on the heatsink.
Jakes, that's a fantastic looking case, is it an old school Coolermaster or something newer?
Jakes, that's a fantastic looking case, is it an old school Coolermaster or something newer?

haha no its an AMS gMono. 2nd revision there discontinued I believe. Only $45 too Great build quality, japanese steel with automotive car paint finish.

Well it seems that the Zalman cooler had 2 very bad reviews, so I am unsure.

How about this?? what are your thoughts


I have the Abit ip35 pro, I was unsure about clearance of its heatsinks.
Thanks for the info. As for your problem, how cool is this processor going to be running? Reason I ask is that you can go REALLY small if you want to.

Check out the Jetart SL1800 or it's even smaller brother the SL1600. Scroll down on this page to see a size comparison between the sl1800 and the stock intel cooler. Some more reviews here and here

edit: A newer review with an E6600 running at stock: http://www.xsreviews.co.uk/reviews/cpu-coolers/jetart-sl1600-sl1800-slim-cpu-coolers/3
Thanks for the info. As for your problem, how cool is this processor going to be running? Reason I ask is that you can go REALLY small if you want to.

Check out the Jetart SL1800 or it's even smaller brother the SL1600. Scroll down on this page to see a size comparison between the sl1800 and the stock intel cooler. Some more reviews here and here

edit: A newer review with an E6600 running at stock: http://www.xsreviews.co.uk/reviews/cpu-coolers/jetart-sl1600-sl1800-slim-cpu-coolers/3

- Running at 3.0ghz (Q6600 G0) with stock voltage it idles around 46*c and 56-58* full load. I'm just looking to drop it a few degrees.

-Those jetart are amazing looking coolers in terms of size. However I came across a few "recent" reviews that concluded poor results from them. Some even worse than the stock cooler! But of course I found the perfect looking cooler and it performed poorly :mad: Plus there are no online sellers for Jetart anywhere! I sent an inquiry on their website for pricing on the 2800/2600 models.


Sorry I wasn't clear about the processor. Which chip is it, how much voltage will you/are you running through it, what kind of overclock if any are you looking at? Also, the temps you posted are with the stock cooler?
Too bad, you'll need a bigger cooler for running an overclock compounded by the fact that it's a quad core.
- Running at 3.0ghz (Q6600 G0) with stock voltage it idles around 46c and 55-57 full load. I'm just looking to drop it a few degrees.

From my perspective, those are fantastic temps for a 3.0GHz quad. I'm running stock and can't get under 60c unless I pull the case out and blow a fan in it. And that's with a AC Freezer 7 Pro.
haha no its an AMS gMono. 2nd revision there discontinued I believe. Only $45 too Great build quality, japanese steel with automotive car paint finish.
I have the original Gmono case. Mine has the crappy front vent holes in the acrylic. Very few of them at that (a bunch of small drill holes). Yours has a much larger front opening in the acrylic.

I was thinking of getting a new case because my air flow is bad due to that, plus it uses 80mm fans. I asked the makers of Gmono if that front acrylic on this model would fit on my model, she told me no, but to me it looks like everything is in the exact same position.

I love the paint job on the Gmono cases. And the metal feels thick.
Too bad, you'll need a bigger cooler for running an overclock compounded by the fact that it's a quad core.

Pretty much QFT. OP, I think your best bet is the Thermalright Ultima 90 + fan. It won't be as small as the Zalmans you were looking at but it cools far better.
I have the original Gmono case. Mine has the crappy front vent holes in the acrylic. Very few of them at that (a bunch of small drill holes). Yours has a much larger front opening in the acrylic.

I was thinking of getting a new case because my air flow is bad due to that, plus it uses 80mm fans. I asked the makers of Gmono if that front acrylic on this model would fit on my model, she told me no, but to me it looks like everything is in the exact same position.

I love the paint job on the Gmono cases. And the metal feels thick.

haha I use to have the old silver one too. I cut a hole in the front when I realized there was a mount for the fan, but no space for air to come in!! As for the 2nd revision, the front seems identical, except the bolts are now flush with the acrylic.
Pretty much QFT. OP, I think your best bet is the Thermalright Ultima 90 + fan. It won't be as small as the Zalmans you were looking at but it cools far better.

well after tons of research, It seems you may be right. The Q6 is just a volcano:cool: Gonna have to fight fire with a big sink :p

well I stopped by Micocenter and noticed they carried the Scythe Shuriken, I figured what the hell, and purchased it. Went home and after installation my temps were the same, actually 1 or 2* hotter. Probably due to the poo poo thermal paste I had. Guess the stock intel thermal compound was better! Anyways I had to return it, but I have some Arctic Silver MX2 on the way and well, I'm still on the lookout for "the one" :)

I don't know if I can believe this review, seems to good to be true
"has my non OC q6600 idling at 33-35c, when OCed to 3.0 (9x333) temps raised to 34-36,(only raised vcore by .025.) never used stock cooler so i cant compare."

this is the heatsink in question http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835101021
You absolutely must have load temps to make a decision. Idle temps are useless. That said, that sink doesn't look bad at all. Same basic design as a Big Typhoon or Ultima 90.