Lowend card for FP3007


Nov 13, 2003
I"m going to be getting an FP3007 in about 2 weeks and i'm building a system for it seeing as my laptop won't drive the display.

I"m not looking to do hardly any gaming with the system mostly just stock trading and multitasking. The only game I might play would be TFC but thats an older game and i'm assuming most cards could play that game @ the monitors native rez. I've done some reading and it looks like just about every X1300 card has 1 Dual Link DVI port on it. Does anyone have any experience with "lower" end cards on the FP3007, I did some searching and most poeple have 7800+ cards (too be expected).
The correct model number of the Dell 30" LCD (If that's what you are referring to) is 3007WFP. (Sorry I am a model number nazi)

To answer your question, the X1300 would be fine for what you are asking for. For that matter, anything with a dual link DVI port will work fine.