Mac chat programs


Jan 10, 2005
I am fairly new to the mac world in an everyday sense (i use them all the time for photoshop and everything) but I just recently got a laptop to use everyday. I am an avid PC fan and my favorite chat program to use is Dead AIM. I have tried the iChat and adium and I don't really like them too much. I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that is similar to Dead AIM for the mac. I know adium is pretty close but I don't really like it that much so if anyone has any thoughts about anything else please help me out. Thanks :) .
I don't know how you could find something Adium doesn't provide. It's so customizable it hurts. Have you played around with the settings? You can do soooo much with it.
yeah... adium kicks deadAim's ass any day... Unless you like all sorts of weird fonts and colors in your text, in which case libGaim really sucks at dealing with. I prefer content over color though, so i have all my inocming text formatted the same, makes conversations nice and readable.
adium's awesome. sometimes i get a little frustrated with it, but it's better than iChat (unless you like video conferencing with iSight).

customize the bejesus outta it.
i loved adium until the beta client killed my entire buddy list, lol... ooops. it is beta i know but damn that pissed me off a tad. thus i've stuck to ichat, like deadaim it allows you to assign names to folks and log convos as i'm sure you are aware and has been the closest thing to deadaim i've used on the osx platform without any major say problems. :)

Xan433 said:
How do you get MSN to have contacts display as Display Name instead of their e-mail?
Pardon my asking, but why would you even want that? People on MSN usually change their display names half a dozen times per day, and they're usually at least 15 characters long. I hate it. I always replace everybody's MSN display name with a real name that is actually recognizable, and I never ever change my own display name. :p It's one of the things I dislike the most about MSN.
vage said:
I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that is similar to Dead AIM for the mac. I know adium is pretty close but I don't really like it that much so if anyone has any thoughts about anything else please help me out. Thanks :) .
OMG... Cant you guys that use Macs give him an actual suggestion instead of 0mg... ADIUM 1s TEH ROX!!1 ??
hrm, great generalization, i'm soo glad there are SOO many great independent apps for OSX just like the XP platform, they quite simply abound all over. Um... this is a predominantly PC user forum, most of us OSX users predominantly use AIM, iChat or Adium. Most of us haven't bothered to go to versiontracker or google to answer this question because most of us don't have experience with apps aside from the three aforementioned. So Most Of Us provide what input we can as opposed to leaving this thread completely silent and languishing with the original poster bumping over and over again. i'm sorry the [h]ard forum isn't the central repository of mac info on the net, and i'm sorry you can't be more helpful either ;). Yup, that's right, you're not even providing ANY constructive comments, just bashing us, as opposed to us indicating our remotely or directly applicable experience. Feel free to provide any thread relevant comments, we'll be waiting for you to lavish us with advise from your pedestal on high :rolleyes: .

omg adium roxx0rz teh big one!!11two

Either way, I rather like Adium. It's nice and customizable, and it doesn't appear to be as bloated as Proteus. It's cheaper, too. In fact, I think Adium is my favorite IM application, regardless of platform.

Use Adium! ;)
And comments like this help how, exactly?

I don't know how you could find something Adium doesn't provide. It's so customizable it hurts. Have you played around with the settings? You can do soooo much with it.
I know I dont know other chat programs to suggest, but the Apple forum is rife with people saying "why use anything other than *insert Apple program/hardware*? It does what I want it to". So I gave this thread a bump and tried to steer it back on track to help this guy at least...

EDIT: hahaha BMR... yer funny man... I like ya... but in a non threatening, heterosexual way.
Err... You do know that Adium is not developed, sponsored, bought, owned, fed, clothed or bred by Apple, right? It's just as much third party software as, say, DeadAIM. Either way, he pointed out that Adium is customizable as fuck, which it is, in order to make vage try it out some more. It's really not very good unless you customize it a bit. (Or settle for less, I suppose, but why would you get a Mac if you're the kind of person who settles for less? :p )

Half the times I've seen someone ask for alternatives to iTunes, they have just misunderstood something about the way iTunes works. After a quick tutorial, their urge to use something else usually goes away. I wouldn't be surprised if the same held true to other applications as well.

And I'm glad it's a non-threatening, heterosexual way. I have enough stalkers as it is.
well guys I hate to have turned this into a debate of some sort. I have played around with adium a lot and I like it ok enough. I can't honestly say that I am still very happy with it but as far as all the mac chat programs that there are out there I think that it is the best and I have no problem using it. Thank you for all your input though guys it did help a lot.
Have you tried Proteus or Fire? I could be of more help if you explained what DeadAIM is all about, since I don't have access to a Windows machine at this time... So I know what you're looking for.
Have you tried Fire? It's my chat client on my Mini. I like the way it works, it's similar to GAIM for the PC in the way it handles connections and concurrent chats. It's also free. :D

dead aim allows you to log convos and pics and stuff (like ichat), rename people on your list (like ichat), talk while away (like ichat), run multiple screen names (like AIM), and [these were the big reasons i bought] transparency effect on the windows and tabbed messaging (aside from the later three, ichat also has the same features as I've mentioned before).


I agree with BMR, aside from the typical (and understandable) switcher 'i want something like xxx windows app' - what specifically are you searching for?

Well basically I have gotten used to adium and am gonna stick with it. I suppose I can try fire but i think its just a matter of getting used to things.
Xan433 said:
How do you get MSN to have contacts display as Display Name instead of their e-mail?

You can add the person to your Address Book with whatever name you want them to show up as, and enter their msn account in the IM section (choose MSN from the pulldown menu too).

Adium grabs the contact info from your Address Book.. it can be both annoying and useful at times.