Mac Mini stolen. Can i extract source code from app on iPhone?


Jun 21, 2008
my mac mini got stolen out of my car and i was finishing up development of an iPhone app. is it possible to extract the source code from my app off the iphone i was using to test it with?
I would think its pretty much the same as trying to extract the source of an app from the .exe on windows. So no, not really possible (to my knowledge)
my mac mini got stolen out of my car and i was finishing up development of an iPhone app. is it possible to extract the source code from my app off the iphone i was using to test it with?

Not really. You can disassemble it, but that that's not going to get your XCode project back. You didn't use version control on a server someplace?
You'll have to restore the source code from source control, or whatever you were using for backup.
I took his response to mean he wasn't using any VCS. :\

Yes otherwise he'd not have a problem. Yes developers, BACK UP UP YOUR CODE! But I too have been guilty of this sin but one time was enough. CVS is awesome and you can use a web store.
lol for some reason i thought he said he was using GIT. sad story :(
Time Machine is incredibly easy to setup Highly recommended for your next machine.
You should always keep a code repository handy for your projects. I've got an old system running raid and my SVN repository so whenever I need to restore, from any machine, I just checkout the repo and I'm good to go. I learned the hard way-- I was working on a relatively new project and I had the source code on my laptop, the hard drive died and I lost the code. Shortly after that a critical bug was found in the project rendering the application unusable and I had no source to update.
You should always keep a code repository handy for your projects. I've got an old system running raid and my SVN repository so whenever I need to restore, from any machine, I just checkout the repo and I'm good to go. I learned the hard way-- I was working on a relatively new project and I had the source code on my laptop, the hard drive died and I lost the code. Shortly after that a critical bug was found in the project rendering the application unusable and I had no source to update.

yeah i know. to my surprise it did not take that long to catch back up to where i was. man i need a new car hah
on a tangent, how cheap of a mac mini can you get away with for iphone development and does it have to be an intel chip?
on a tangent, how cheap of a mac mini can you get away with for iphone development and does it have to be an intel chip?

The development kit has always required the latest version of OS X. With Snow Leopard dropping support for PPC you'll want some sort of X86 Mac.
on a tangent, how cheap of a mac mini can you get away with for iphone development and does it have to be an intel chip?
The oldest intel Mac mini with 1GB installed (not required, but it is smoother than the minimum requirement) will work OK for development.

You can use a G4 or G5 Mac, but it's not supported and you have to so a few extra steps to get it installed, including messing with a compiler script. I had SDK 2.2.1 and now have 3.0 running on my eMac 933MHz.

In both cases, the iPhone simulator will probably run 3D too slowly to be useful for anything with a lot of fast action (also the simulator runs programs much faster than a real device on a fast system). Regular 2D apps should be fine. You can still deploy to the iPhone/Touch for more realistic testing after you've paid Apple at least $99 for the standard developer program. You have other free options if the device is jailbroken.
Apple makes developers pay for a development environment? Jesus...
Apple makes developers pay for a development environment? Jesus...

If you think just that is bad...

Apple's iPhone SDK can only be installed on Apple's OS X. So if you want to develop you need to already have or purchase an Apple computer. Then you have to pay the fees that let you publish the App to the store and/or actually use the SDK. Not to mention it is recommended you own one of the devices to actually test with...but that is kind of something you would expect for any development project as you have to test stuff!

So if you have absolutely no Apple hardware...

$599 Mini (cheapest Apple)
$229 (cheapest iPod Touch)
$99 (developer's fee)

Right there, $927 before any taxes and/or shipping and no warranty extensions. That's just for the US, I'm sure international prices are even higher. You could go refurb, maybe knock $200 or so off of the hardware costs...
Apple makes developers pay for a development environment? Jesus...
No. The SDK is free including an IDE and tools (Xcode, IB, etc also are available free separately), but to deploy on an unhacked phone or sell in the app store you need key(s) from Apple. That is unlike many Windows Mobile handhelds/phones, but not too different from other cell phones which have much more expensive SDKs/development hardware.

If you have jailbroken your phone, you can self-sign your own certificate and build/deploy to jailbroken devices without paying one cent to Apple. You can also develop for iPhone under regular desktop Linux on a PC, but you don't get some of the really convenient features like the simulator or automatic deployment to the device in Xcode. OTOH, if you're not worried about distributing your own programs in the app store you also have benefits like running outside of the sandbox and using normally off-limits APIs.