MacBook Core 2 Duo


Limp Gawd
Jul 16, 2006
I have the most basic MacBook setup you can get with the Core 2 Duo processor. The system seems pretty laggy at times. I'm just curious if an upgrade from the 512MB would solve most of these problems.

What are your experiences with this? Thanks in advance.
yea ram would be the first thing to upgrade that would make the biggest difference. I still think it's rediculous that they sell a machine with a high end processor like that with only 512mb.
about a month ago I purchased the 2.0ghz White Macbook w/ 1gb of ram and I can honestly say the only time my system lags even the slightest is when I fire up either Parallels or Photoshop CS2. I've considered moving up to 2gb, but I've finally completely separated myself from windows, so no more parallels, and I've got the CS3 beta from Adobe which is Intel native so no more rosetta. I'm sure I might move up to 2gb someday, but I definitely think that the upgrade from 512 to 1gb is definitely worth it.
the single best upgrade in OS X is more memory. I recently upped my wife's macbook from 512 to 1.5GB and it's night and day difference. I'll be getting another 1GB stick for heres to get her to 2GB. My MBP had 512, I quickly upped it to 2GB and it made it so things that were unbearable were actually enjoyable. (Like Parallels) :D
I have the most basic MacBook setup you can get with the Core 2 Duo processor. The system seems pretty laggy at times. I'm just curious if an upgrade from the 512MB would solve most of these problems.

What are your experiences with this? Thanks in advance.

I have 2 ghz core 2 duo with 1gb ram. My system screams. I dual boot via bootcamp and can play WoW without any problem.
Wow, thanks for all of the replies. Looks like I'll be upgrading. :)