MacBook in Canada


Limp Gawd
Mar 13, 2004
Hey everyone,

I'm looking into getting a MacBook in the next couple of weeks here. With my education discount i'm looking at $1200 Canadian for the White base model. Is this the best way to go? or is there somewhere else I can get a better deal on a C2D duo. Maybe a refurb or something?


-Nick Sabatino


This is in the refurbished section:

Refurbished MacBook Pro, 15-inch, 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo
15.4-inch widescreen display (1440x900 resolution)
512MB (single SODIMM) 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
80GB 5400-rpm Serial ATA hard drive
Slot-load SuperDrive (DVD±RW/CD-RW)
ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 with 128MB GDDR3 memory
Built-in iSight Camera
Front Row and Apple Remote

for 1500

or the MacBook:

* 1.83GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
* 512MB memory
* 60GB hard drive1
* Combo drive
for $1200
Difference between the Core1 and Core2's is like... 15%.

Trust me, I've got a 2ghz Core1 and it's PLENTY fast... It's about as fast as an Athlon X2 @ 2.6ghz :eek:
So you guys think I should jump on this? I mean, there's that big conference coming up soon. Macworld, is it?
Jump on that MBP. Nothing new is coming to the MacBook line in the coming week.
Okey Doke. Think I'll get it. Anyone had any luck with getting a student discount on refurbs?
The thing you need to consider, is that even though the Core 2 Duo in the Macbook is significantly faster, the Macbook Pro will generally perform better at just about everything, simply because of the GPU. Mac OS X offloads quite a bit of work to the GPU, and it's bound to increase. Also, apps like ChocoFlop kind of suck without a decent GPU. It's not like you'll really notice the difference between the Core 2 Duo and the Core non-2 Duo, unless you do something that really stresses the machine, like games. But games run much faster on the MBP anyway, because of the GPU.
Okey Doke. Think I'll get it. Anyone had any luck with getting a student discount on refurbs?

Nope, I tried that. It's either or.

BUT... you can get a nice student discount on the AC protection plan, while buying the laptop refurbished... Saves about 150$
Aye. Thanks guys. My new MBP is in the mail. Its problalby the most money i've ever spent at once before. Yikes.