MacBook Pro Saves Man’s Life After By Blocking A Bullet


Aug 20, 2006
Here’s one where someone lucked out in an unfortunate event. During the Ft. Lauderdale shooting, one guy’s MacBook managed to deflect a 9mm bullet.

“The backpack saved my life,” Steve Frappier said, speaking on CNN’s AC360. “I dropped and the backpack was still on my back and I was turned in such a way where that at one point when the shooter shot toward my direction … there was a bullet that ricocheted.” “I felt something hit my back,” he said speaking to CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “It was only later when I went to the bathroom to check myself out that the bullet had entered my backpack, hit my laptop and then later when I gave my backpack over to the FBI for investigation they found the bullet in the pocket of my backpack.”
Was the exact model of laptop that relevant?
It's probably useful to mention the model since many people know that MacBooks use metal cases, and it makes understanding how a laptop can stop a bullet easier. I know this Samsung laptop I'm using right now would have contributed to the shrapnel in my body if I were wearing a backpack with it inside when shot. :p
For the inflated price of a mac, it should have returned fire.
The courage to remove the headphone jack... to make room for the thinnest TASER in the industry.

Jony Ive waxing loquacious against a white background about the careful materials selection and intricate machining needed to produce the elegant electrodes...
Apple shouldn't (won't) spin this as a PR thing.
I'm glad *something* saved another life.

He shouldn't have been a target to begin with.
I dunno, it could be done tastefully. Comp the guy a free replacement and offer to transfer his data for free (assuming the HDD isn't destroyed). No press release; just wait for the guy to post on social media, and let the cheap PR roll in. Not to mention, it'd be the cool thing to do.
No press release; just wait for the guy to post on social media, and let the cheap PR roll in.
You have to take into account Apple culture though. Their fanbase generally doesn't like to bring a spotlight on militant Islamism, as the topic is uncomfortable, so they will distance themselves from associating with anything controversial. It'd be like if a cop's iPhone saved him from a BLM shooter. Won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
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You have to take into account Apple culture though. Their fanbase generally doesn't like to bring a spotlight on militant Islamism, as the topic is uncomfortable, so they will distance themselves from associating with anything controversial. It'd be like if a cop's iPhone saved him from a BLM shooter. Won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
Oh, for fuck's sake...
Was the exact model of laptop that relevant?

The MacBook and MacBook Air are only rated to stop .32 and up to 00buck, they need to be clear for liability reasons
Not very courageous or innovative, phones have already been doing this for years.