MacBook Ran Over By Truck

You know, if you look closely at some of the Flickr pics as someone mentioned before, the power light is on. That internal battery must be pretty strong.
The guy is okay. Must've got the scare of his life if the laptop and bike got run over, but he didn't...
really now...pc's never get run over? The Macbook pro aluminum unibody is probobly alot stronger than most...

Perhaps stronger, but its strength is where its weakness lies... Aluminum will flex and retain the shape. Plastics will flex, often shatter, but will not bend inward and crush a component and keep that position.

To clarify, that Macbook is in worse shape after being run over than almost any laptop I've ever seen that suffered the same fate. Plastic is going to be more flexible. Aluminum, when bent sufficiently (and it doesn't take much) will retain the bent shape. Plastic when made correctly will be stronger and more resilient than many metals will.

Even Magnesium cases will snap before they bend that far. I had a hand-me-down Fujitsu laptop that I carried with me, it was only a Pentium 133 in the age of 1Ghz thunderbirds, so I didn't care too much about what happened to it. I did end up (accidentally) dropping it a few times on concrete, the plastic shattered but all of the components inside remained undamaged.

The benefit to a shell with structural walls inside of it is that there is space and a material that will absorb the majority of the impact and give away to pieces before metal would. The difference is pretty evident. Squeeze a sodacan. Squeeze a plastic bottle. Which would you rather have surrounding your components?
Now they need to run over a Toughbook or something. It's got a metal external case.
There are times that laptops can take some pretty good beatings and still work.

There was a case a few years ago that I seen online (might have been linked on there) where a woman lived in a semi bad area so he left her laptop in the oven when she was out due to thinking that most people wouldn't look there. Well one day her boyfriend decided to come over while she was at work and make her dinner for when she got home. He forgot about the laptop being in the oven and turned it on. It cooked the hell out fo the shell melting a lot of it, the screen cracked, however it still would boot and with an exernal screen worked great.
That was a Dell (I want to say D610?); not that it matters, I just remember the story as well.
A friend of mine who owned a d610 had this happen to his:

He was visiting a friend in new york and his friends mother was drunk. Not sure why she was drunk, but in a fit of drunken rage she took his laptop, threw it against a wall and left the room. She cracked the screen, caused the latches for the primary and secondary optical drive bay battery he was using to snap and the batteries to fly out. It stayed powered on because the wall wasnt very far away and somehow it managed to stay plugged in. It still booted but the hard drive made occasional grinding noises.

Granted it suffered major damage... but IT STILL WORKED. Thats one of the stories I tell people when they say dells suck. If they can take major damage and still turn on and boot they are pretty reliable. I bet even a toughbook would of suffered some heavy damage from that.

They ended up replacing it with a black 13" macbook. :D
I've heard so many horror stories about Macs having hardware problems, that I figure that all Mac's look that way after a few years.