Main differences between NF7-S v1.2 and v2.0?


Oldskewl [H] - Gone but not forgotten
Sep 15, 2000
As the title says, what are the differences between the two revisions?

Any capability changes??

Just wondering, have a chance to buy a v1.2 for a real steal...

Should I wait for a v2.0?

Thanks in advance!;)
Not many differences. The major things they did in 2.0 were fixes with the SATA and temperatures / voltages being more accurate (still not perfect). And they also "officially support 200fsb".

I still have a v1.2 and its been kickin for more than year at 220fsb. They're both great boards. I say go with the 1.2 if its under 80 bucks.
A 2.0 on newegg is $100.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm about to go ahead and purchase the NF7-S, it's only $50. That's with all the cables, backplate, manual, SATA adaptor, CD-ROM, Floppy, etc.

I'm mainly interested in the higher voltages the NF7-S provides compared to the 8RDA+ I'm currently using. Hopefully, I can avoid a reformat/reload since the platforms are so similar, including Soundstorm.

Thanks again!
