Maine Candidate’s World of Warcraft Persona Stirs Debate

i wonder how long before every battle done on WoW and it's outcome will be put in effect out here.
Checked her profile on WoW, looks like she hasn't even played since mid-September.
I was all about to support her to because of the title of the article. It's quite inflamatory and absurd sounding.

But once you read the article you'll understand why
It turns out that Santiaga has said some not-so-nice things about Republicans, including conservative tax icon and promoter of the “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” Grover Norquist. Santiaga commented that she “may have to go and hunt down Grover Norquist and drown him in my bath tub.”

Republicans in the state maintain that their criticism of Lachowicz is not about the fact that she plays the game, rather it’s based on the comments made by her alter-ego.

I can understand the Republicans concern as these are valid political arguing points. She isn't denying she said these things.

But I'm also concerned about how they managed to retrieve her "on-line" comments.
But I'm also concerned about how they managed to retrieve her "on-line" comments.

Why? It is safe to say that anything you do or say online is permanently there for anyone to read if they have some know how and some bread crumbs.
Why? It is safe to say that anything you do or say online is permanently there for anyone to read if they have some know how and some bread crumbs.

Because that's her outside life, which is separate and private from work. There should be a reasonable assumption of privacy when online, especially when you pay for it.

But now the comments are out there, I do consider them valid points and painting a picture of who she is.
Because that's her outside life, which is separate and private from work. There should be a reasonable assumption of privacy when online, especially when you pay for it.

But now the comments are out there, I do consider them valid points and painting a picture of who she is.

Perhaps there should be, but there never has been. People get fired for things they say on Facebook/Twitter/etc all the time, or get binned by a hiring committee for a job. It is data, it is out there and virtually everyone considers it fair game.

Heck, for what she said about Grover Nordquist I'd consider voting for her.
whew, that's one hideous looking broad , she should try pushing herself away from the table , or she may have Michelle O. planning her dinner menu for her , wow the Sea Hag in real life ,I thought the Sea Hag was just a Popeye character
Seriously, I'd be likely to vote for her or at least strongly consider it now.

Then you have fallen for the Disney-esque trap painted by Politicians and Media like to paint of each side being a saint or sinner

She's ain't no Saint if you read the article. Find out about both sides before voting, and decide which is the lesser of two evils. They are both sinners....after all they are politicians. lol

People vote believing that their side will do the country good. I vote based on which side will do the least damage.
Bullshit. She's only L68 and only logged in once in the last few months. BFD.

Don't quite your day job, inspector.

Read the article...level 85 orc. She's hooked on it.
Because that's her outside life, which is separate and private from work. There should be a reasonable assumption of privacy when online, especially when you pay for it.

But now the comments are out there, I do consider them valid points and painting a picture of who she is.

When you are a public employee, your outside life IS public. Why? because the PUBLIC pays your bills.
Read the article...level 85 orc. She's hooked on it.

Yeah totally hooked... Nothing but casual gear, no activity in a month, no cata raids completed. I may not have played WoW in a long time but i still no a casual when i see one.
Is ok when politicians do wars, steal, punish citizens, drive drunk and are involved in state-wide and international frauds, all that is fine. But when they are playing computer game that's wrong. Where are we really going?
Sounds like another socialist to me - she can play WoW all day every day, would do the world a bit of good. Not that whoever else runs for that office is likely to do much better.
Yay, political drama in my state. She would have my vote already, but this is just icing on the cake. Always amusing to see right wingers always lowering the bar.
good to know we're still making fun of people for playing video games. or maybe we arent, maybe it is just old dumb republicans?
Damn are they finding it that hard to dig for some mud to sling against her? They expect her to devote 100% of every second of her life to nothing but work?

ABC News said:
...Republicans in the state maintain that their criticism of Lachowicz is not about the fact that she plays the game, rather it’s based on the comments made by her alter-ego.

“This is not about her playing video games, this is about the comments she made while gaming,” David Sorenson, communications director for the Maine Republican party, told ABC News, referring to the comments about Norquist, as well as things said about other Republicans. “These are all things that are unbecoming to a state Senator.”...

Survey says you're off base just a tad.
The rascal tipping bit was pretty funny.

James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because he is James Cameron.

Then you have fallen for the Disney-esque trap painted by Politicians and Media like to paint of each side being a saint or sinner

She's ain't no Saint if you read the article. Find out about both sides before voting, and decide which is the lesser of two evils. They are both sinners....after all they are politicians. lol

People vote believing that their side will do the country good. I vote based on which side will do the least damage.

Lesser of the two evils is exactly what has led to the situation we are in today. Democrats and republicans are both evil; the degree to which is irrelevant and I, for one, refuse to vote for any of them.

whew, that's one hideous looking broad , she should try pushing herself away from the table , or she may have Michelle O. planning her dinner menu for her , wow the Sea Hag in real life ,I thought the Sea Hag was just a Popeye character

What does her appearance have to do with anything? Perhaps you'd like to post a picture of yourself here so that we can properly critique it.
C'mon, that's just BS.

That's how she's being PAINTED, sure, but unless she just started playing WoW last week, there is no way in hell she's the type of person who "calls in sick to play video games" and is still only level 68.



The 3rd comment is sarcasm. Everyone slacks off at work from time to time. I don't see someone that is willing to put the effort into running for office in addition to the numerous other things she's been involved with as a slacker, but whatever....
The 3rd comment is sarcasm. Everyone slacks off at work from time to time. I don't see someone that is willing to put the effort into running for office in addition to the numerous other things she's been involved with as a slacker, but whatever....

Don't you know, everyone in HardForum puts in 100% effort 200% of the time at work.
WoW this is the most idiotic thing I have read today. So its better to watch mind numbing reality tv shows that have absolutely no redeeming value than participate with other people in an online game. Really America is this what we have sunk to?

It really isn't about her actually playing the game, it's about what she was running her big mouth about while playing the game.
Yay, political drama in my state. She would have my vote already, but this is just icing on the cake. Always amusing to see right wingers always lowering the bar.

This 1 post tells me you're from southern Maine. :p

/fellow Mainer.
I was under the impression that it was her big mouth to run.

It is, but you can't expect someone running for political office to make a statement about wanting to drown someone in a bath tub, and not take some heat for it.
It is, but you can't expect someone running for political office to make a statement about wanting to drown someone in a bath tub, and not take some heat for it.

I can expect the public to let her have a private life where she is permitted to make jokes. In fact, I would hope that she makes jokes in her private life.
I can expect the public to let her have a private life where she is permitted to make jokes. In fact, I would hope that she makes jokes in her private life.

I would assume a similar joke about a president wouldn't play out so well...

More political theater in what is proving to be the worst election year to date.
I can expect the public to let her have a private life where she is permitted to make jokes. In fact, I would hope that she makes jokes in her private life.

Sounds like you would be lambasting her if she had an R next to her name instead of a D. :rolleyes: The fact is, she said something stupid and is being called out for it, tough luck.

If this person were a republican, chances are good that this would be making national news for the next week at least.
anyone who thinks all the other politards are saying the same shit about their opponets when the camera isnt on are clueless

her comments make her look like any ohter working stiff

outrage not found
Sounds like you would be lambasting her if she had an R next to her name instead of a D. :rolleyes: The fact is, she said something stupid and is being called out for it, tough luck.

If this person were a republican, chances are good that this would be making national news for the next week at least.

Whatever. The woman made jokes while playing an MMO. I don't really care, and, in fact, it makes me like her more.