major issues with am2 opteron oc


Limp Gawd
Oct 10, 2005
hmm i recently got the opeteron 1210... running on an abit an9 board... best i could get it only 230 fbs (2.07ghz) using 1.45v and 1.85v ram... ive got it to boot up running at 250 fbs(2.25ghz) .. but it crashes before i can start any bench mark test.. any one else out there ever bought a opteron 1xxx series.. or am i the only fool that paid too much for not enough oc power... while everyone else went conroe >.<

cooling wise i have the 9500 am2 edition
yea cuz im worried some proper steps were not taken here. like ram out of spec, htt out of spec, voltages etc etc etc
ok so it was my fault for not knowing how to oc am2 all soo well.. finally got it to run @ 2.8ghz.. but only got pic of it primed at 2.7ghz with 1.4v for 3 1/2 hours with sp2004... my ram was on ddr 533/667 wen ever i oced.. but yeah it was set on ddr 400.. it let me hit up to 312 fbs with 1.425v