Major issues with ASUS GTX 570

Aug 6, 2006
I'm having some major issues with my ASUS GTX 570 DirectCUII.

I'm getting artifacting, weird rendering glitches such as missing textures or objects being not where they're supposed to be, and freezes and crashes. Flash video will cause the NVIDIA driver to crash! Sometimes text in my web browser will even render funny.

I just got this card back from RMA, too. Same issues now as I was having before. I don't think there's an issue with my system. My power supply is definitely giving this card enough power. Could it be possible that ASUS didn't properly repair the card?

Here's some pictures of my issue

What could the problem be?

UPDATE: Temporarily fixed it by shutting down my computer and leaving it off overnight. Thanks, SigmaOrionis. Apparently leaving your computer on 24/7 will cause these issues to appear.
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Assuming you're not overclocking the card at the moment and the card isn't modified in anyway, I would ring/email ASUS support arguing the RMA fail after carrying out these steps.

-- Try at least 2 other driver versions
-- Test a different graphics card in your computer, preferably as new and as powerful as the GTX570
-- Test your GTX570 in a different computer and see if you get the same problems

Doing this will help prove the card is screwed, then get onto ASUS and complain like a bitch :) .

I find this strange to be honest, i've been an ASUS fan for a long time and never had any problems apart from a motherboard which wouldn't boot because it had a screwed up BIOS, in which they replaced the entire board replaced swiftly, no questions asked (apart from the general questions about the fault). Bad luck dude, hope you get it sorted.
I just installed this card over the weekend (omg it's awesome...and quiet!) and although I've only dorked around with stuff after work a little this week, not seeing those issues. I went from a 280 GTX SLI setup by physically swapping out the cards, booting to safemode, uninstall all Nvidia drivers, running Drivecleaner after reboot, running it AGAIN and deleting some odd leftover directories and whatnot and then installed those new beta drivers from normal (un-safe?) Win7 64x mode.

Besides drivers for the video card and possible other things (motherboard?) I dunno. Tried a different PCI-E slot? MB?
-I've tried an HD 5870 and an 8800 GTS 512 and they work perfectly.
-Don't have another computer to test it in unfortunately
-I will try different drivers

Temperatures seem fine. I'm idling at 29 C right now at stock. I've tried a different PCI-e slot and same thing; don't have another motherboard to try it on, but other graphics cards work fine.
I remember reading somewhere else (I think the comments on a review page) for the DCII that the Asus drivers crap out with most things and that's why I went with the newest Nvidia's I saw. Heck even BC2 has no issues although I read in the other thread that the beta drivers didn't fix that issue. Go figure.

Mine idles around 28C-32C which is practically half of my old 280's and after leaving Heaven run loops for a couple of hours it was in the 50s. Doesn't sound like heat is an issue. I'd guess PSU as well but you said you have a decent one.
So I can't really do any load temp testing because the thing will just crash after a couple minutes, but after about 3 minutes of GPU burn-in testing I only hit 53 C so I don't feel like temperatures are an issue.

I feel like this card is in worse condition than before because my screen will black out and I'll get the NVIDIA driver has crashed and kernel has recovered error even during web browsing. I didn't get that before I sent it in to RMA.

Oh yeah, also I uninstalled ASUS SmartDoctor and that didn't change anything.
Have you tried different drivers yet? Once you've done that, raise another RMA with Asus and complain.
I dont know if this is your issue but I read on the EVGA forums that people who left their computers on without rebooting them would get similiar issues to yours. There were people with 570s and 580s reporting the same issue

The fix was to shut down unplug the computer wait a little while and then just cold boot.

Usually it would take at least a week of nonstop being on for these issues to show up for them. Once they rebooted the card would work fine for up to a few weeks and then the same thing would happen.

I'll see if I can find the link. It was called all three of my 580's are artifacting.
Oh, ok. It kinda makes sense now. When I first got my card back I played about 5 minutes of Crysis 2 and everything was fine. Left my computer on overnight and didn't use it until the next night and when I tried playing a YouTube video, my system froze up.

That really sucks. I always leave my computer on 24/7. Do you know if this is an issue with all GTX 570/580s or just a few?

I'll turn off my computer tonight and see if it helps.

I think this is the thread you're talking about:

btw, increasing my voltage helped a lot in eliminating artifacts and graphical anomalies. They're still there with the voltage increase, but far less prevalent. Some games will still act strange and freeze up, though. Have not had a driver crash so far which is good.
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Hi Einhanderkiller,

Yes that is the thread I was talking about. I read the whole thing and it looks like all the board partners are affected. Not everyone was having the issue.

There were a couple theories tossed around as to why some people were having the issue but others were not. Some said that the reason most people did not notice the issue is because they shut their computers off at least once a day.

It does seem like a complete power down and reboot fixed it for everyone affected. I hope it fixes your problem its kind of a hassle but at least its an easy workaround until someone figures out the real reason this is happening.

Good luck.
Ooh, this is interesting. I switched off one of my screens (dual setup) a couple weeks ago and have been using just 1 screen. I've been getting strange re-paint problems -- I forgot that now the clocks and voltage drop with just one screen. (With 2 screens, the voltage/MHz stay wound up high.) pny 570, hmm.
Ok, so leaving my computer off overnight fixed it. Can't believe the fix was so simple.
I ran the MSI Kombustor xtreme burn-in test for 5 minutes and it was artifact-free with no graphical glitches. My card topped out at 78 C with the fan reaching a max of 30% (which is really good!). Also, I was able to pass the PhysX part of the MSI Kombustor KMARK Benchmark which I wasn't able to do for some reason when I was having the issues. It would always crash at that part.

I'm really curious as to why this happens, though. Have not had this issue with any other card.